(UBF VISION ACADEMY) Vision Academy: Registration for Winter Term Courses

  • by UBF HQ
  • Dec 06, 2023
  • 2345 reads

*The Vision Academy is not the Vision Camp. Visit the website (https://academy.visionubf.org) for more information about the Vision Academy.

The Winter Term course, “Christian Apologetics,” will be taught by Ben West (Minneapolis 1 UBF). Students will have the opportunity to explore many “tough questions” in this class, including:
* “Why would a good God allow evil to exist?”
* “What happens to people who have never heard the gospel?”
* “How were the books of the Bible selected?”
* “Why are there so many church denominations?”
* “Why would God command the killing of so many people in the Bible (e.g., the Canaanites)?”

Those who are interested can register at https://academy.visionubf.org. The Academy will also offer the following workshop during the Winter Term:
* "UBF Short-Term Mission Trips: How to Apply and Prepare" (Dr. John K. Lee (Springfield) and Dr. Moses Noh (Philadelphia)).

UBF Vision Academy offers online courses that are biblical and practical for the youth in our ministry with the prayer that God may grant them his vision and encouragement. For any questions about Vision Academy, contact us at: visionacademy@bs.ubf.org or refer to the Vision Academy FAQs at https://academy.visionubf.org/faqs