Canada UBF Online 40th Anniversary Summer Bible Conference (July 1-3, 2022)

Period: Jul 01, 2022 ~ Jul 03, 2022

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jun 27, 2022
  • 81 reads


Canada UBF will hold an online 40th Anniversary Summer Bible Conference from Friday July 1 - Sunday July 3, 2022. The program is attached below.

Conference Prayer Topics:
1. To experience the power of faith in God - everything is possible!
2. For Canada to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation
3. To evangelize all Canadian campuses
4. For establishment of next generation leaders
5. To give thanks for the work of God in Canada for the past 40 years
6. For the messengers (L*uke Hong, I*an Agard, N*atan Bekit, J*oseph Minielli, S*amuel Mukewedeya)
7. For all 250 conference attendants

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