(MEXICO) The IPN Chapter Had a Blessed Easter Bible Conference as Members Personally Enountered the Risen Christ Deeply

  • by UBF HQ
  • May 03, 2022
  • 716 reads

By B*ernabe Choi

The IPN chapter in Mexico had an Easter Bible conference from April 16-17, 2022.

We especially prayed for our second generation missionaries to confess their sins and have a personal encounter with Jesus. S*ara Kim accepted Jesus deeply as her savior during the conference. A*ndrés Kim and A*braham Alexander led group Bible study. O*bediente Castillo (Master's in Computing from UAM) shared his life testimony and made a decision to serve Jesus as his disciple. He and A*braham Alexander were both messengers. After the conference, we had BBQ fellowship at Pachuca State Park. We pray to raise 12 disciples, to send out 10 missionaries by 2030, and for 12 godly marriages.