(BOLIVIA) Through the 2022 Resurrection Conference, God Renewed Bolivia Ministry's Calling to Go and Make Disciples

  • by UBF HQ
  • May 03, 2022
  • 478 reads

By E*steban Cho

The 2022 Resurrection Conference was held from April 15-17 at the Santa Cruz I chapter in Bolivia. The theme was "Go and Make Disciples."

There were five messages: "But While He Was Still a Long Way Off" by J*avier, "Follow Me" by D*iego; "Will You Give Me a Drink?" by D*aniel Cho, "He Has Risen" D*iego, and "Go and Make Disciples" by M*oises. Approximately 65 people participated. God convicted us with His words of grace and repentance and renewed our calling to go and make disciples.