(HQ) Pastor M*ark Vucekovich Visited Bonn City UBF on April 7, 2022

  • by UBF HQ
  • Apr 12, 2022
  • 433 reads

By M*ark Vucekovich

On April 7, 2022, I attended the discipleship meeting of Bonn City UBF. They rent their meeting space in a market area right outside the university campus. It has a clean and bright worship room and a separate area with a kitchenette for meals. 17 people attended the meeting, and several shared their reflections on Luke 15. The passage was heart-moving, and they sincerely prayed to share in the Father’s heart for the lost. I was glad to meet A*lex, my interpreter, who is married to M*onica, the daughter of P*eter Park of Nigeria and who is expecting a baby soon. May God bless this family. I shared a visiting report of our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, and there was a dinner afterwards. The young people asked if they could sit with me, and it was great to interact with them.

Thank God for this precious community of God’s people. They are committed to praying specifically for all our brothers and sisters in Christ from Ukraine, whether still in the country or elsewhere, and especially for the families separated by the war as well as for the children.