(MEXICO-UPDATE) N*oe of Puebla, Mexico left for Czech as a Missionary on August 25, 2022

  • by UBF HQ
  • Sep 01, 2022
  • 969 reads


 By J*osue Bae

On August 25, 2022, N*oe of Puebla, Mexico left for the Czech Republic as a Latin missionary to Europe, which is of great significance in the history of Latin America ministry. May God strengthen him with the Word of Jesus to proclaim freedom from sin and death in Christ to the Czech people, and may God send his family there safely to join him as soon as possible.


By J*osue Bae 

J*ose Ahn had a prayer topic to send out missionaries from Latin America to Europe at the Latin America and Europe Directors Conference in 2012. God moved the heart of H*annah Shin from Czech Republic through B*ernabe Choi and J*ose Ahn in 2020. She prayed to hire N*oé from Mexico so that he could come as a missionary to Europe, but the visa process was delayed for about a year and a half due to the pandemic. We continued to pray for N*oé to get the visa. In 2022, the pandemic situation improved, and the European countries lifted restrictions. N*oé updated the documents that he had presented before, and God gave him a work visa on July 25, 2022. N*oé will go to the Czech Republic on August 25 so that he can start a language course at Charles University in Prague at the beginning of September. We give thanks to God for coworkers from Mexico, Bolivia and Europe who have supported him.

Prayer topics:
1. For N*oé to be a good coworker with humility at the Czech ministry and in his workplace
2. For N*oé to master the Czech language
3. For N*oé to go to campus to preach the gospel and have one-on-one Bible students


N*oe and G*ariela will go to Czechia in the spring semester as a new missionary family. They are waiting for working visas for a few months.

Here are their prayer topics: 1. They may get working visas in the spring semester 2. Get vaccinated 3. Effective learning of the Czech language in 3 years 4. Be used for Czech ministry as humble and sacrificial servants.


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