(KOREA) Gwanak III Had a Dedication Service with Thanksgiving for the Expansion of Their Center on January 16, 2022

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jan 26, 2022
  • 699 reads

By C*aleb C.

On January 16, 2022, Gwanak III held a dedication service in the auditorium on the 5th floor of the newly expanded center.

They praised God with beautiful special songs, special music, and orchestra performances. Shep. Moses Kim, Korea UBF director, served a message entitled “It is good to be near God" based on Psalm 73. Shep. D*aniel Lee (Gwanak III), the building committee chair, reported the process of construction of the new center with photos.

He testified that when they prayed earnestly that it might not rain until the roof of the 5th floor was covered, God answered their prayers because it rained right after the roof was covered. Following the congratulatory speeches of several missionaries, Shep. Daniel Byun commented that the new center is the fruit of prayer and asked to pray to raise 7,000 disciples from SNU students and send them out as missionaries.