(SWITZERLAND) Bern UBF Held a Christmas Worship Service on December 19, 2021

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jan 09, 2022
  • 654 reads

By M*arianne Blessing

On December 19th, Bern UBF celebrated their Christmas Worship Service. My sister, S*ibylle (Grace), and the Bible students, M*atthieu and S*imon, took part. It was amazing that S*imon came because he hadn't attended a Bible study since the summer. We praised God who sent his Son Jesus as a child. Then we read Matthew 1. I gave a message which looked back on the family tree of Jesus, where we saw God's grace and promise through the entire history of his people. Then we looked at the birth of Jesus, especially from Joseph's perspective. Our worship service was filled with hymns of praise and music, special games and music. One of the highlights of the service was an honest and touching testimony of faith that M*atthieu presented. For a long time, M*atthieu was not ready to write testimonies, but God opened his heart to him. In his testimony of faith, Matthieu testified of God's presence in his life and also of sins and mistakes. And Missionary M*aria Seo presented her short film. After the worship service, we had fellowship with a delicious lunch buffet, coffee and cake. We look back with joy on the presence of Jesus - Immanuel, God with us.