(THE 18TH KOREAN FORUM-VIDEO) “The Marriage by Faith and House-Church Ministry” 

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jan 16, 2022
  • 1996 reads

God blessed the 18th Korean Forum ("Marriage by Faith and House Church Ministry'') wonderfully with his spirit and words. More than 180 mission coworkers joined, sharing God's wisdom and his great works in marriage by faith. M. Anna Lee (Korea) as senior missionary showed graceful lessons and directions for marriage by faith, and M. Rebecca Lee (USA) as a 2nd gens missionary shared the wonderful works of God in Springfield house church ministry. P. Moses Yoon also delivered a clear key note message for all coworkers. Three presenters' lectures resonated in mission coworkers' hearts and prayed together for the inheritance of marriage by faith in our house church ministry. The 19th Korean Forum with the topic of "Spiritual Warfare" will be held on February 5, Sat.

Dear UBF Mission Coworkers,

We will have the 18th Korean Online Forum on Saturday, January 15, 2022. The topic will be The Marriage by Faith and House-Church Ministry. As we start the new year of 2022, we would like to have a time of prayer for the marriage by faith and the house church ministries, which are the backbone of our campus ministry. Please join the Forum to share God’s wisdom for campus evangelism.  

Date: Saturday, January 15th, 2022.
Time: 9am (EDT New York, USA), 8am (CDT Chicago, USA), 3pm (CEST Berlin, Germany), 11pm (KST Korea), 10pm (Singapore) 
Target Attendees: Korean Missionaries and Leaders 
Panelists: M. Anna Lee (Korea), M. Rebekah Lee (Springfield, USA), P. Moses Yoon (General Director)
Moderator: Dr. Moses Noh (USA)

* 18 한국어 포럼믿음의 결혼과 가정교회 역사

날짜: 2022 115 (토요일)
시간오전9 (뉴욕), 오전 8 (시카고), 오후3 (독일), 오후11 (한국)
발표자 안나 선교사 (한국), 레베카 선교사 (미국), 모세 선교사 (세계대표) 

진행자: 모세 선교사 (미국)   

18 포럼 주제는 믿음의 결혼과 가정교회 역사입니다. 2022 새해를 시작하면서, 우리의 캠퍼스 복음역사의 핵심이라 있는 믿음의 결혼과 가정교회 역사를 위한 기도의 시간을 갖고자 합니다. 이번 포럼을 통해 귀한 역사를 이루어 나갈 하나님의 지혜와 영적 방향을 나누고자 합니다. 포럼에 선교동역자님들을 초청합니다.  

Presented via Zoom: The Zoom invitation will be sent out to registered emails prior to the meeting. If you want to join the 18th Korean Online Forum, please register on the HQ Website today (https://ubf.org/onlineforum/korean).    

* UBF Online Forum Committee
   Chair: Dr. Ezra Cho (ezra5978@gmail.com)