(ARGENTINA) Romina was Sent out to the USA as a Missionary

  • by UBF HQ
  • Dec 14, 2021
  • 415 reads
By M. C*aleb-K (Buenos Aires)
M. R*omina came to visit Argentina to process paperwork and to see old friends and family. She came to visit our Buenos Aires UBF in mid-October and we held an inauguration ceremony to anoint her with prayer and send her officially as a missionary to the USA.
<Buenos Aires UBF>
It was a wonderful time. The following week M. Romina went on an outreach with M. C*aleb and P. A*lonso on campus. It was like Jesus sending out the disciples two by two for fieldwork training.

On December 3, I attended the meeting at NEIU, Chicago where she shared her life testimony.

God saved her and called her at the very young age of nine. She soon after got involved in the church and was actively serving God. She passed through hardships such as her hip operation and her family moving to the USA. She had a 1:1 Bible Study with M. R*ejoice-S in NEIU Chicago and through the love and prayers of M, J*ose, and M*aria-A and the True Vine fellowship, she has been growing in God’s word and serving discipleship ministry. We rejoice that an Argentine missionary went to the USA as a sign that God is raising Argentina as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. May God bless M. Romina as a disciple-maker and a mother of prayer for all nations!