(GERMANY) Bonn-City UBF Had a Fall Conference from November 12-14, 2021

  • by UBF HQ
  • Dec 03, 2021
  • 706 reads

by Joachim D.


We had "Hybrid Fall Bible Conference 2021" in Naunheim in the Eifel Mountains. 25 people (18 in person, including 1 unborn life in the womb of M. Monica R. and 7 online (S Matthäus G./Siegen, Georgia H./Bonn, and the house church of M.Peter L./Aschaffenburg). The title of the conference was "Just Believe!". We shared a personal testimony about the second lecture. The preachers were: 1. Danke-Peter P. ("Jesus' proclamation of the gospel", Lk 4:14-30); 2. Alexander R. ("Jesus' authority to forgive sins", Lk 5:17-26); 3. Xenofon G. ("The faith of the centurion", Lk 7:1-17); 4. Elke D. ("Just believe!" Lk 8:40-56); 5. Joachim D. ("The harvest is plentiful!", Lk 10:2). In addition, there were two short breakfast messages with a personal statement by Judith P. ("Your faith has helped you!", Lk 7:36-50) and Anna-Petra P. ("Where is your faith?", Lk 8:22-25).

The conference was like a heavenly celebration of God's Word. We learned about faith in God who faithfully fulfilled his promises and sent Jesus as Messiah; about faith in the mercy of God who forgave our sins through Jesus’ blood and gave us the heavenly peace; about the faith that overcomes all the storms of life and live a victorious life with Jesus; about faith in the power of Jesus' word which heals sinners even from the power of death. We give thanks to God who gave us new confidence for the work of faith of campus mission and disciple-making in the winter semester 2021/22. We thank God for Gideon who came from Lagos/Nigeria (studying in Frankfurt/Main for one month). He testified how God delivered him from the power of sin. He was invited by Korean missionaries to study the Bible and accepted God's love for him personally and was raised as a shepherd for his flock, Michael, Mike, and Israel. There was also "Open-Doors World Day of Prayer" for the persecuted Christians in Sub-Saharan and Muslim countries (presented by Danke-Peter P.)

We are very grateful to God for working mightily among our next-generation co-workers, for helping to form the vessel of faith and cooperation from their heart, whether through their Bible quiz, their prayers, their testimonies, or their servanthood as leaders at the worship services. We thank God for all prayer support from chapters SNU 3, Daehakro, Chicago UBF, Nigeria UBF, Aschaffenburg UBF, Germany UBF, and others.