(UGANDA) Bethesda Hospital News - Fall 2021

  • by UBF HQ
  • Nov 24, 2021
  • 1114 reads

Uganda Bethesda Hospital

Shalom! I pray that the love and peace of the Lord be with you always.

Still, the aftermath of the pandemic has not gone away to release tensions. I think the best thing we can do is to always look to the Lord in our respective fields and pray for Him to lead us in His good way.

Here in Uganda, the number of Covid-19 infections has significantly decreased, and the government's quarantine measures are gradually easing. From 7:00 PM to 5:30 AM the next day, a movement ban was imposed, and the number of passengers in the car was limited to three, but it is not being followed. However, although it was one of the two countries in the world that has yet to suspend the operation of educational institutions, it has decided to reopen universities in November and announced that all restrictions will be lifted and normal life will be restored from next year.

However, unlike the increasingly relaxed social atmosphere, our hospital continues to not let go of tension. This is not only because COVID-19 infected people visited during the pandemic, but also because the role of our hospital in the Korean community during the pandemic was very important, so it was always necessary to keep the hospital safe. In addition, as the government does not permit outreach to places other than institutions or clinics operated by our hospital, we had no choice but to conduct limited outside activities.

Because of this situation, an external outreach was held at the Bethesda clinic operated by our hospital on Bubuma Island. In August, we started the glaucoma project with the support of the Hana Financial Nanum Foundation and Vision Care. Although it is a short period of 4 months, we are grateful that we have opened the door to finding and managing patients with glaucoma, a disease that leads to blindness without knowing it.

In addition, I would like to thank you for praying and praying with us during this time. Please pray for those who can work together to serve Uganda in the future. May you always be healthy, peaceful, and reconciled in the Lord.

Bethesda Mission Hospital newsletter sender.
To be the leading reliable quality medical service provider in Uganda and Africa

(Vision Care Uganda Office)

Makerere Road Opposite Makerere Main Gate
Address : P.O.Box 22672, Kampala - Uganda
Telephone: +256-414-530-313
E-mail: bethesdamedicalcentre@gmail.comubmhnews@gmail.com
Web page: http://www.ubmh.org