(SOUTH SUDAN) 4 Spiritual Leaders were Raised as Campus Shepherds during a Conference (October 29-31, 2021)

  • by UBF HQ
  • Nov 17, 2021
  • 1089 reads

P*adiet Deng

Thanks be to God for his mighty work, abundance of grace for blessings yearly 2021 Bible conference. Despite many challenges and difficulties. prior to Bible conference commence, among them, one main messager had to go through medical operations, one shepherd lost his father-in-law the same day of conference, the venue poor facilities quality / was not good enough due to poor electricity, waters shortage, etc. in addition to that all Messengers were the first time to deliver messages in the conference.

But God worked mighty in this conference, God used speakers powerfully to deliver his message in the best way. The opening message was delivered by Dr. T*eresa Caleb, with the title the god mission in our life. The first main message delivered by sh. George Mario with the title of "My chosen instrument", Act 9: 1-19, sh. Taban Moses, the title a light for the Gentiles, Act 13: 13-52, although he received a call to deliver the message three days prior to the conference commenced, he could deliver a powerful message. The third main message was delivered by sh. Stephen Dak which was the theme of the conference. you will be my witness Act 1: 1-11. I thank God for giving and renewing our identity as a witness of Christ Jesus, at the end of the conference attendants committed to living for witnessing Jesus gospel in their homes, universities, and everywhere and to live a life of witnessing God.

During the conference, four shepherds candidates were established/upgraded as shepherds, who were shepherd candidates from 2019.
1. A*lor Beyong
2. R*ejoice Michael
3. D*eng Akoi and
4. T*aban Moses. To participate fully with more responsibility in the ministry.

God bless that some new students decided to join Bible study as a result of God's words in their hearts.

Please pray for
1. new growing Bible students to keep their faith/words of God and commit themselves to Bible studies
2. the new spiritual leaders to be guided and protected by God 
3. the new spiritual leaders to keep their faith and be witnesses of the gospel in their daily life
4. our church to be continually used as a place of a spiritual revival in order to transform SS as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation