(PANAMA) Panama UBF's Official Leadership Succession Held on September 19, 2021

  • by UBF HQ
  • Oct 23, 2021
  • 488 reads


Official Leadership Succession in Panama UBF

Matthew 28:19-20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

On Sep. 19th, Panama UBF had a special Worship Service with the Ceremony of Succession of Leadership from M. J*uan B*aek to M. J*osue G*utierrez. More than 20 people attended both off-line and online, including M. E*steban C*ho, Latin America Coordinator. M. J*osue presided the service and M. J*uan delivered a powerful, heartfelt, and encouraging message entitled: “Go and Make Disciples of All Nations” based on Mt. 28:18-20.

After the message, we had a simple Succession Ceremony where M. J*uan prayed for M. J*osue and M. M*aria to continue to lead Panama ministry with a humble and repented heart as they were doing so far.

Then, we watched a short video with the history of Panama UBF in pictures; you may watch it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwjEXxyVeFg.

Lastly, M. E*steban gave the final words and prayed for Panama ministry and for M. J*osue and his family.

Missionaries Juan and Susana Baek pioneered Panama in 2000 serving several students as a one House Church ministry during 11 years and raising their two namesakes Panamanian children, J*uan and S*usana. In 2011, missionaries J*osue and M*aria G*utierrez came from Venezuela to Panama as coworkers for the mission. Both families were serving together during several months, but suddenly the B*aek family had to return to Korea after M. S*usana was diagnosed with cancer. During that time, M. J*osue and M*aria took good care of the ministry and the students, serving faithfully Bible studies and Sunday Worship Service, until M. S*usana recovered from cancer by God’s grace and B*aek family returned to Panama to continue to serve together to G*utierrez family.

In 2013, God called the B*aek family as coworkers for Venezuela’s ministry. They heard God’s voice and left G*utierrez family in charge of Panama ministry, but supporting them from Venezuela, even with Bible study. M. J*osue was serving as Acting Director of Panama ministry during the last 7 years. In spite of several challenges, M. J*osue and M*aria remained faithful to the mission, even though all the students left the church. Patiently and wholeheartedly, they served Panamanian students by going to the campus of the University of Panama and inviting them to study the Bible and praying for them. In His precious time, God blessed Panama UBF by sending S*haron, D*ario and K*aren who were raised as disciples and are serving as coworkers and about 15 people are attending Offline and Online SWS from several countries: Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica and Peru.    

We pray that God keep strengthening M. J*osue to lead Panama ministry filled by the Holy Spirit, to deliver the message every Sunday and to raise Jesus’ disciples in Panama.

Prayer Topics:             

  1. Panama becomes into a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation.
  2. To raise A*braham and S*ara of faith.
  3. M. J*osué be filled by the Holy Spirit to prepare and deliver the Sunday Messages in Ecclesiastes.
  4. God uses our new Bible Center as a house of prayer for Panama and the World Mission.
  5. To reach 15 bible studies and 20 attendants to SWS every week.
  6. D*ario, K*aren and S*haron may be good coworkers.
  7. A*ramis y S*andra may be faithful to their discipleship training and be raised as disciples this year.

Reported by M. J*osué G*utierrez