(URGENT PRAYER REQUEST-UPDATE 5/26) Dr. J*ames Hong in Chicago Recently was Diagnosed with Lung Cancer

  • by UBF HQ
  • May 24, 2021
  • 846 reads


Dr. J*ames Hong in North-Western ministry (Lung Cancer Treatment): After 1 of 2 chemo treatments he felt stiff and tired. He prays to grow in joy, payer and thanksgiving during the chemo treatments. May God guide all the procedures and heal him completely.


There is a change in my treatment plan.

After hospitalization, I had an EBUS (endobronchial ultrasound) bronchoscopy on Monday. This procedure was required for preparing the lung cancer surgery. However, they found that a tumor is on one of the important lymph nodes (subcarinal).  Surgery can not be done unless the size of the tumor is reduced.

The surgery which was scheduled for May 6th has been canceled, and I need to go through at least two cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy to reduce the size of cancer cells. Each cycle takes about 3 weeks. Thus, I may have surgery at the end of June.

It seems that the treatment is getting delayed. However, I believe that God is guiding a medical team to have the best decision for me. It is still good that the cancer is in the lung and eventually will be removed by surgery and chemotherapy.

I pray that chemotherapy is effective to kill cancer cells to reduce their size and I may be strong enough spiritually and physically to endure chemotherapy and surgery.

I pray that I may deeply meditate Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." and  1Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

I thank you for your love and prayer.

In Christ,
J*ames Hong


Dear P. Ron And coworkers,

Thanks for abundant prayer support from you and all coworkers from Chicago and all over the world.

Today (4/29), I had a series of tests (CT, Brain, and spine MRI) and could see a doctor in the SNU hospital in Seoul, Korea. Thankfully, there are no metastases to the spine and brain. The brain result was confirmed by the doctor, and the spine result was not confirmed yet, but it seems no cancer cells in the spine according to the initial MRI imaging analysis. Therefore, I can get surgery to remove cancer cells in the lung. The surgery is scheduled for May 6th (Thursday) and I will be hospitalized on Sunday to get additional tests and preparation for the surgery. 

I thank God that cancer cells are not spread to other parts of the body and I can be healed by having surgery. I thank you again for your love and support, and I ask for continuing prayer that the spine result is finalized soon and can have a successful surgery and recovery. Praise God! 

In Christ,
J*ames Hong in Korea


Dr. J*ames Hong in Chicago is now in Korea quarantining; pray for complete healing from lung cancer.

<Dr. J*ames Hong in the center. Before his departure to Korea, Chicago UBF coworkers prayed for him.>


By P. D*aniel Byun (Gwanak 3, Korea)

Dr. J*ames Hong has had a severe headache since December last year and was diagnosed with lung cancer while coughing continued recently. When a professor at the Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery at Seoul National University Hospital looked at a full-body PET image, it was suspected of metastasis to the spine (thoracic spine 9) of lung cancer which was not in the US hospital PET reading sheet. Dr. B*um Bun-yeon, a professor at the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at SNU Hospital, also saw the video with a possibility of spinal metastasis. Eventually, Dr. J*ames Hong will return to Korea and see an outpatient clinic on 4/30, and a final conclusion will be made with a spinal MRI that will be additionally performed. If there is no spinal metastasis, 2B contribution, surgery is possible. If there is spinal metastasis, it is stage 4, so it will be treated with chemotherapy and radiation. Dr. Hong needs desperate prayer support. So we ask all our prayer warriors' earnest prayers for him.

Dr. J*ames Hong was sent from Gwanak 3rd UBF in 2006, recently received tenure of IIT professor in the United States, and has been dedicated to co-working with Texas A&M UBF and Chicago North Western Uni Ministry. Missionary L*ydia Hong (J*o Hye-jin and S. C*ho Jae-eun's second daughter) has three children, and her father (S. D*avid Jo) has also experienced cancer. Please pray for Dr. Hong's leaving for Korea on 4/14 to have a safe journey, will be well treated, healed, and return to the mission field asap. May God protect M. Lydia and 3 children too. Thank you.