(VENEZUELA) Despite Ongoing Crisis and Instability, God Continues to Work in Venezuela

  • by UBF HQ
  • Mar 19, 2021
  • 427 reads

By G*ustavo (Caracas UBF)

Around 5-7 million Venezuelans have emigrated to other countries. The country still lacks essential supplies such as gasoline, food, and medicine. Despite all this, God has been providing necessary food and supplies through UBF coworkers around the world. Venezuela UBF continues to serve the Lord by faith: preaching the gospel on the streets and raising disciples.

A*lvarez shared his life testimony in an SNU 5 online-conference. J*ose Juan Vivas shared his testimony in a Panama online Conference.

By the grace of God, public worship services have been allowed since November under strict bio-security guidelines. Four off-line Sunday services were held. Please pray for the restoration of Venezuela and for Venezuela UBF to continue raising disciples and sending out missionaries.