(BOLIVIA) Santa Cruz ll UBF Had a Conference from February 13-15, 2021

  • by UBF HQ
  • Feb 26, 2021
  • 538 reads

By M*arkShin

UBF Santa Cruz 2 held a non-face-to-face conference on the 13th to 15th on this last carnival period. The theme was Jesus, who came to find and save the lost. The whole program consisted mainly on Messages, Bible studies, and testimony meetings.

On the first afternoon, Brother Jossep served the opening talk; it was Luke 7:11- 17 (Young man, I say to you, get up). He first attended our conference three years ago, received grace, and grew through Bible study steadily. He prepared this non-face-to-face conference and served all spiritual internet environments. Brother Jossep witnessed the divorce of his parents when he was a child, and now he opened the lid of the coffin, got out and presented the Word of God with authority to them. After the message, we studied the Bible as a group.

On the second day, Brother Cristobal served the message. It is Luke 19:1-10 (Jesus who came to seek and to save the lost). He served this message for the second time following the conference from last year. He repented with heart and testified a powerful and moving message. He laid the foundation for family salvation by inviting his two sons and daughters-in-law (who were completely spiritually indifferent) to attend the conference. After the message, we studied the Bible and shared their testimonies by group in the afternoon.

On the third day, Pastor Milca served the message; it is Luke 5:1-11. Pastor Milca broke her relationship with her boyfriend, decided to become a fishing fisherman, and served a message full of grace. After the message, we had a Bible study and a testimony presentation meeting in the afternoon.

Despite the lack of preparation and the first non-face-to-face conference, it was a conference where the abundant Word of God came with grace and personally experienced the power of God's Word once again. Thank you for all the prayers.