(ASIA) The Asia Coordinators’ Conference was Held from December 31 to January 2

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jan 12, 2021
  • 516 reads

God blessed the 2021 Asia New Year coordinator's conference abundantly. There were 62 total attendees: 50 from 13 Asian countries excluding Korea, and 12 from the United States and Korea. The conference host, I*son Hong (Malaysia UBF), wished to serve delicious Malay food to all attendees.

Asia UBF coordinator P*aul Kwon delivered a message titled “Enlarge the Place of Your Tent" based on Isaiah 54:2. General director M*oses Yoon delivered a New Year's message based on Colossians 3 after six group Bible studies via zoom. I*son Hong gave the closing message.

There were two special lectures. The first lecture by I*saac Choi titled "The Introduction of the Mid-term between the New and Old Testament” was delivered in Korean. J*oshua Hong gave the second special lecture in English based on the study of Titus. Coordinators from 13 Asia UBF chapters gave mission reports.

Through this conference, we could see that the work of God is still living and active amidst this pandemic. Discipleship training and house church ministries still prosper thanks to our coworkers' beautiful faith and dedication. In 2021, may God bless Asia to send out missionaries to unreached nations.