(KOREA) Korea UBF New Year Staff Conference was Held from December 14 to 15, 2020

  • by UBF HQ
  • Dec 29, 2020
  • 621 reads

The conference was held from December 14 to 15, 2020 via online with near 100 staff members in Korea alone with some guests of the HQ World Mission Department from the USA. There was an encouraging and heart filled new year message by the general director P. Moses Yoon based on Colossians 3:16. We pray that all the staff members may be equipped by the words of God and be used to pioneer 233 nations as God has used them to pioneer 100 countries sending out near 2000 lay missionaries thus far. 

Some programs below;

*3 main powerful messages: 

  • Colossians 1, "CHRIST, THE SUPREME” by M*oses Kim (Korea General Director)
  • Colossians 2, "WALK IN CHRIST" by E*lijah Lee (DongKyo)
  • Colossians 3, "LET THE WORD OF GOD DWELL IN YOU RICHLY" by UBF General Director M*oses Yoon

*3 group Bible studies, 5 testimonies, special songs, World mission reports of 6 continental coordinators, HQ World Mission Department presentation of God’s work in 2020, Sarah Barry's greeting video in Chicago, Dr. John Jun’s words of encouragement, etc.