(EUROPE/UPDATE) 2021 Virtual Co-workers’ New Year Conference was Held from December 28 to 30, 2020

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jan 06, 2021
  • 544 reads



Colossians 3:16

The Virtual European Coworkers' Conference was held from December 28 to 30, 2020. Around 250 attended with second-gens, native young leaders, missionaries in 25 European countries including some guests from none-European countries as well. The conference was hosted by Dresden UBF in Germany.

Opening message was served by R*einer with the title, "We are Parts of One Body" General director P. Moses Yoon's New Year message was also delivered. 3 group Bible studies and testimony sharings were followed and there was a forum entitled, 'A Growing Together' with 3 presentations by Maria (Portugal), Paul (Germany), and Joseph (Netherlands). 

M. J*oseph Bae in Croatia participated though he and his family had difficulties due to the recent earthquake with the Richter scale 6.38 in Petrinja and his own personal health issue. M. E*lijah Park in Poland shared the love of God in the UBF community which was shared with him and his family when they were all severely contracted covid-19. There were heart touching mission reports of 25 countries. The Lord also grew the faith of the new generations as well as many Bible students under the pandemic. Praise and thank God for the Biblical truth that we learned through the conference. We believe that hardships do not matter. But our faith in God's love and faithfulness are the most matters with Christ's word dwelling richly in us! 



(Colossians 3:16) 
1. Date: Dec. 28-29th, 2020 (Monday – Tuesday, 19:00-22:00 CET) 
2. How: Zoom (link will be provided soon) 
3. Participants: All Europe Co-workers (Young Leaders, Native Shepherds, Missionaries) 
*Program below