(HONDURAS/Update) UBF Relief for Hurricane Eta in Central America

  • by UBF HQ
  • Dec 29, 2020
  • 624 reads


Thank God for the abundant relief offerings from the HQ and all over UBF around the world. UBF Honduras could be like St. Claus to offer Jesus’ love to many who are still recovering from the double hurricanes and the Pandemic during this Christmas Season.


D*avidKang in Honduras

Since the strong hurricane "Eta" hit Honduras 4 weeks ago, the whole country has devasted. We had some relief goods prepared with HQ's support. But we could not move anywhere to deliver them. Many places are severely flooded even the international Airport and many national highways, and etc. All our church members are safe. Thank you for your prayer!

<Honduras "Eta" pictures by D*avidKang and he shared the relief goods.>


UBF HQ sent $10,000 to Samaritan's Purse (SP), an international relief organization, for Hurricane Eta. The organization thanked UBF for the generous partnership in the gospel with the latest updates: Airlifting an Emergency Field Hospital to HondurasThe relief money will provide critical care to suffering people, some 100 patients a day, and emergency shelter material, hygiene kits, and installing water treatment systems with clean water.

Our missionaries D*avidKang of Honduras and J*uanKim of Nicaragua, and coworkers are safe. 

<Honduras "Eta" pictures by D*avidKang and the members shared the relief goods.>

<M. J*uanKim shared Nicaragua UBF members’ caring for infected people using the offering from Latin Coworkers.>