(North America/Updated Program) 2021 USA/Canada New Year Virtual Leaders’ Conference

Period: Jan 07, 2021 ~ Jan 09, 2021

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jan 07, 2021
  • 363 reads

2021 USA/Canada New Year Virtual Leaders’ Conference (January 7 to 9, 2021)

<Message 1: 2021 New Year's Message by P. Moses Yoon>

<Message II>

<Message III>

- Download message manuscripts of P. M*oses Yoon, J*oshua Jeon and Ben West below

- Download Bible study questions below (Bible study I & II, Introduction to Colossians)

Please review the program below. The conference will be held online by using Zoom (CST). Please find the button for registration at the bottom of the program. The deadline for the registration is Dec. 15, 2020. We are sorry for the late notice, but we hope to know your decision soon. If you have any questions or suggestions please use the contact button at the bottom.

On the button for registration:
If you are invited by the North America coordinator or your chapter director you are qualified to register. Please push the button and fill out the form. The deadline is Dec. 15, 2020. We need this information from you so that you will be assigned to a group for the Bible study during the conference

On the button for contact:
Please use the button for contact and send your suggestions or questions per the 2021 NA staff conference.

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