(EUROPE) UBF Worldwide Francophone Ministries

  • by UBF HQ
  • Oct 06, 2020
  • 638 reads

There are 29 French speaking countries. Among them, UBF ministries are in 6 countries: Belgium, Cameroon, Geneva Swiss, Montreal Canada, France (Nantes, Paris I, II, Aix-Marseille) and Rwanda.


- Nante Ministry: One house church of B*runoAussant's ministry recently moved to Paris from Nante in order to open a new chapter. On October 4th, Bruno's and Paris l, ll had the first joint Sunday worship service.  

- Aix-Marseille ministry by J*eanKim: God sent me to France in November 2017 as a Nuclear Engineer. Our family moved near Aix-Marseille University last June and began the ministry with Isaiah 43:19. In order to prepare a weekly Sunday worship service messages in French, I first wrote it in Korean and translated it in English, and sent it to P. Bruno who translated in French. I rehearsed each message more than 10 times before delivering it. At the beginning of September, holding onto John 18:20 and 21,  M. J*eanneKim and I went to campus, wearing a mask to invite AMU students to Bible studies. Thank God for helping Tess and Bastian to read the Bible with us. We pray that Teva, Oraura, Marilyn, Steven, and Hao may study the word of God continually. Rebecca has studied 12 steps Bible series and waited on her baptism in God’s time. May God bless M. J*eanneKim and I by the Holy Spirit to continue to reach out to students and share the gospel. May God bless me to deliver the French Sunday worship service message on Acts and feed God's flock.


- Montreal
led by P*hilipWong (English and French Bilingual Ministry)

Prayer topics:

1. Bilingual ministry (bilingual worship service)
2. Fall new student ministry (4 main universities): 2 English (McGill and Concordia) and 2 French (Université-de-Montréal and Université de Montréal á Québec)