(GERMANY/Update) New Bonn City UBF Had the 1st Fall Bible Conference on October 23-25, 2020

  • by UBF HQ
  • Oct 28, 2020
  • 1393 reads


The Bonn City UBF had the 1st Fall Bible Conference from October 23 to 25, 2020. Morning messages were delivered by Heidi and Elke and 4 main messages were delivered by Xenophon (John 3:1-21), Joachim (John 12:1-11), Alexander (John 13:1-35), and Danke (John 14:15-31). Yudit, Christiane, Ana, Sarah, Mateos, and Joyce also shared their testimonies. 

<Friday highlight pictures>



by S_tephanusPark

For the last 4 months, 4 families have studied the Bible and prayed together with Isaiah 43:19, “See I am doing a new thing!” and John 13:34-35, “Love one another.” On September 20, the new UBF chapter "Bonn City UBF (BCU)" had our 1st Sunday worship service with J*oachimDietzel’s inauguration message from Jn 12:1-11, “Mary poured perfume on Jesus’ feet.” 

BCU members are: 
S*tephanusPark’s family, J*oachimDietzel’s, X*enofonGrigoriadis’s, P*eterPilawa’s, and A*lexanderRipken.

Our prayer topics:
1. To establish a new Jesus centered community of love
2. World Campus Mission through 1:1 and disciple-making
3. To raise new generations as disciples of Jesus for the World Campus Mission