(CAMEROON/Update) M. Timothy Returned back to Cameroon on September 5, 2020

  • by UBF HQ
  • Oct 12, 2020
  • 729 reads

By M. T*imothyChung

I arrived last week alone after I had left Cameroon 16 years ago (1996-2004, then Botswana 2004-2018). My new work is very difficult to adapt to a new environment. I stayed in the office the whole week, going out only on Sat. I am not sure whether my family can join me. In spite of difficult situations, God comforted me by sending Emanuel, travelling 5 hours from Yaoundé to Duala. He had been one of the 6 leaders who studied the Bible with me a long time ago. He accepted Genesis 12:2. He even shared his life testimony at the Kenya international conference. After we left, he kept serving Sunday worship services with several Bible students. He is a math teacher in high school. I believe God has re-sent me here for his remnants. Please pray for me that I may be able to support Emmanuel as Abraham of Cameroon though we have 5 hour distance.


M. T*imothyChung returned to Africa where he had been 22 years. He was in Cameroon for 8 years from 1996-2004 and in Botswana 14 years from 2004-2018. After 2 years in Korea, God sent him back to Cameroon alone. 

Prayer topics;

1. For 3 kids' education
2. For learning new work and reveal God's glory in his business
3. For serving God's will anywhere

<Family members>

<M. Timothy>