(Russia) M. MichaelThompson Requested Prayer Supports for the Healing of His Back Injury

  • by UBF HQ
  • May 22, 2020
  • 751 reads

By M. Micheal,

Thank you very much for your offer to pray. In St. Petersburg Russia, we are also conducting on-line worship and Bible study. Some of us were able to continue working. Others have lost jobs. Personally, my school was closed. I have been having some on-line lessons. I think that two key figures in our ministry have completely lost their source of income given that they work in the tourist industry. 

<Center: M. Michael with his two children>

My family is going through a difficult time. Even during this lockdown, we had to vacate our flat because of building repairs. While moving I took a bad fall with a kitchen cabinet falling. So, after ten days, I'm still in pain something with the lower back or lower rib area. I need to be strong at this time. I'm thankful to God. All the same and know that your prayers be heard and answered.

In Christ, M. Micheal