(France) A Pioneering Work of Marseille UBF

  • by UBF HQ
  • May 15, 2020
  • 637 reads

Marseille UBF in France was pioneered in October 2017 by Dr. JohnKim's family. He chose the key verse of the Bible as the new work of God based on Luke 4:43 which says, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” Since then, they have been keeping the lamp of prayer and the words of God to serve the pioneering work sincerely. Here are some prayer topics and photos that Dr. John shared. 

Prayer topics;

1. Thank God for the online French Sunday worship service.
2. Rebekah, Hao, Rachel, Jinli (Truth), Philip, Maria, Eliza may faithfully study John's gospel and listen to Sunday message so that they all may grow as children of God and disciples of Jesus. 
3. God may bless Dr. JunUkLim's sincere Bible study through Skype and be born again spiritually by accepting Jesus as his Savior.

Thank you all!

By Dr. JohnKim