(Update/Germany) M. S_tephanusPark Health Update

  • by WMD
  • Jun 01, 2020
  • 950 reads


M. S_tephanusPark (Bonn, Germany)

After the 3rd radiation treatment on 2/10/2020, I had prostate blood and a urine test on 5/10/2020. Thank God for the prostate that was once swollen a lot has recovered to its normal size. Also, the blood levels, the function of the bladder, and urethra are all recovering to normal. I believe that cancer has been completely eliminated. During those difficult times, Maria, and I knelt down in prayer with Alex every night at 9 p.m. to participate in UBF Prayer Relay. Again, thank you very much for your love and prayer support.


<left: StephanusPark and MariaPark>
Three weeks after from the third radiation treatment for his prostate, the doctors said they would know the progress of his condition. He looked relatively healthy. He doesn't need chemotherapy. Pray for his frequent urination to be controlled soon and that he may be completely healed from his prostate problems. 