Witnessed the Fruit of Five Loaves and Two Fish Ministry at Argentina Summer Bible Conference (Feb. 22-25, 2020)

  • by WMD
  • Mar 05, 2020
  • 526 reads

Although we had to host our SBC only 4 weeks after Brazil Bible Conference, God blessed us richly. The theme of the conference was “What are you looking for?” We prayed for more than 70 attendants and God answered our prayers despite practical difficulties. Since several members committed adultery and left our ministry last year and we didn’t have many new members. However, the early morning prayer we resumed in November last year has become a power source of a new ministry. Some brothers and sisters began to have daily bread every morning and others followed them. More and more people participated in the early morning prayer and God showed us a miracle through our invitation ministry. After the Brazil Bible conference we held on to God’s words like “Restore your first love” and “You give them something to eat.” We also kept in mind how God enabled Israelites to conquer Jericho as we prepare for SBC. Our members began to put these words of God into practice and experience the power. Some volunteered to serve life testimony, others paid registration fees for new members. Still, others volunteered to serve the musical and dancing. Missionaries served every part of the conference program wholeheartedly after work. A total of 75 people (including 20 children) attended the conference and one missionary took care of little children sacrificially during the conference. Messengers served God’s words with all their hearts and everyone enjoyed the program and had wonderful fellowship. Although there were not many new faces, 12 people registered for the discipleship course after the conference. We witnessed the fruit of our five loaves and two fish ministry through this conference. We pray to have 10 new members this year. Glories to God!