Bonn UBF had a Nehemiah Leader's Conference on Feb. 7-9, 2020 (GERMANY)

  • by WMD
  • Feb 21, 2020
  • 1036 reads

From February 7th to 9th, we held a Leaders’ Conference as our prayer for the spiritual rebuilding in Europe with the key verse Nehemiah 2:17.

We had a wonderful time, studying the whole book of Nehemiah deeply in 6 lessons through group bible studies, led by M. Monika K., M. Petrus C., Sh. Jochen S., M. Debora E., Sh. Warmherz E., and Sh. Peter S. Two precious servants of God, M. Peter K. and Dr. Paul C., came all the way from America to participate and lead two graceful group bible studies in English.

We learned Nehemiah’s prayer and his spiritual fight for the rebuilding of God’s people. Nehemiah had a broken heart for his people, who should be God’s people, but rather they helplessly and shamefully lived in ruins. He prayed with repentance and grasped God’s promise. God used him to mobilize his people to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He overcame Satan’s attacks from outside and inside and finally Israel was restored with strong physical walls and the spiritual identity as a Kingdom of Priests.

We felt that this story is similar to the situation we experience today, where Christians have lost their identity. In his Sunday message M. Peter K. pointed out that Christianity is under attack from Satan. Godless humanism has infiltrated the church and our hearts, so in many ways we put ourselves in the first place instead of God. We honor our personal affairs higher than God. We seek family rather den mission-centered life. As a consequence, Christians lose their identity and their mission and become useless. Moreover, those who seek God first and raise disciples of Jesus are threatened and despised.

Through the bible study, God gave us the heart to pray from the early morning for the young people in Europe. We prayed to stand up for the spiritual rebuilding through one-to-one bible study and through the mobilization of the next generation with the identity as global leaders.