(Updated by March 14, 2020) Pray for Coworkers Around the World to Have God’s Protection against the Coronavirus

  • by UBF HQ
  • Mar 04, 2020
  • 808 reads


It’s now a pandemic! The virus is now spreading rapidly in European countries, North America, and Middle East. Schools are closed, food stacking is common, and large gatherings are prohibited. What should we pray for? M. Jose Ahn says, “This is a really hard time for anyone, but as Christian soldiers, we can turn this to be the best time to have a deeper, independent and personal relationship with our Lord Jesus. We can and must also take care of any needy, lost souls with prayer and DB and Bible verses and encouragement not to fear C19 but to fear God who is in control of all these!”

Let’s pray that this worldwide coronavirus outbreak may end soon. Let’s also pray that God protect all our coworkers around the world, especially those in Asia (C nation, Korea, Japan), Europe, North America and Africa. Now many American chapters decided to hold worship services online and conduct Bible studies online. We pray that two Latin American Conferences and Q nation conference scheduled in April may not be affected by coronavirus.

May God turn this crisis into an opportunity through which we can deepen our personal relationship with Jesus. Let us renew our faith in God who is the ruler of all kings and the kingdoms on earth.


May God protect all our coworkers around the world from coronavirus, especially those in Asia and Africa (C nation, Korea, Japan). Africa has few medical facilities to check, confirm or defend coronavirus. Please keep praying for Africa and our members. Now many Korean churches have online Sunday Worship Service canceling public meetings. Please pray that through this epidemic incident, God’s sovereign Rule be revealed. Those who persecuted Christ and his people may repent acknowledging Christ as the Sovereign Ruler. The churches of God also may repent and have faith in God who is the ruler of all kings and the kingdoms on earth.


May God protect all our coworkers around the world from coronavirus. Especially, Africa has no medical facilities to check, confirm or defend coronavirus, especially Ethiopia is the most vulnerable. 120,000 C national people returned after C nation's New Year's Day. 29 airport workers are diagnosed as CV patients already. Dr. Samuel Y. works in the vulnerable pneumonia department and M. Andrew serves with eye doctors (CV transmits even through eye contact). Please pray for Africa coworkers.