"Be My Disciple" 2019 Oceania Summer Bible Conf. was Held on Dec. 6-8, 2019 in Sydney (AUSTRALIA)

  • by WMD
  • Dec 13, 2019
  • 960 reads


The 2019 Oceania Summer Bible Conference was held on December 6-8, 2019 in Sydney in Australia. This conference was hosted by Sydney West chapter. We had 70 attendees. The title of the conference was “Be my disciple.”

Opening message “God’s call to Abram” (Genesis 12:1-5) was served by M. Mark L. Lecture 1 titled “Jesus came to call sinners” (Mark 2:1-17) was delivered by M. Michael H. Lecture 2, titled “The way to be Jesus’ disciples” (Luke 9:18-26) was served by M. David P. Lecture 3, “Make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:16-20) was delivered by M. Paul K. The New Year message “Even the Son of Man” (Mark 10:32-45) was served by P. Kevin from Chicago. Throughout the messages and the lectures we have learned that Jesus wants us to grow to be his disciples by following him, taking our cross, and serving one another.

The special features of the conference were made by the active involvement of young leaders growing as disciples of Jesus. Among them, 10 representative testimony speakers shared their stories. Every sing-along music was organized and led by young leaders also along with serving some of the Bible studies. The young disciples chose and presented various symposiums such as, Uganda Healing Mission, GLEF report, Generation-Z, same-sex marriage, God’s promise, cults, and tithes. Their topics were quite relevant and important subjects to our ministries and the current generation.

Another fruit at this conference was the baptism of seven young growing disciples. They are Kerry L, Rudra P, Felicity W, Grace K, Joanne S, Faith K, and Grace J.

They have grown up through one-to-one Bible studies under shepherd's upbringing. During the baptisms, they confessed Jesus as the Lord and the Savior accepting His calling as his disciples. Furthermore, they even confessed to going out as missionaries in God's pleasing will. Praise God!

Thank God for richly blessing our 2019 Oceania Summer Bible Conference with the powerful words of God and young leaders’ excellent participation with the fervor and passion.

We continue to pray for Oceania ministries with following prayer topics below:

1. Raise Australia and New Zealand to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

2. Raise young leaders as committed disciples of Jesus.

3. Pioneer 40 universities in Australia, 7 universities in New Zealand, and 3 universities in Papua New Guinea.

Thanks for all your prayer support! 

In Christ
M. Mark Lee