Gwanak-7 UBF Has the First Summer Bible Conference, Korea (7/26-28, 2019)

  • by WMD
  • Sep 23, 2019
  • 433 reads


When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter and songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.”  The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. (PS126:1-3)

We praise and thank God for the great things that he has done for Gwanak-7 UBF through the summer conference from July 26 to 28 at OSek Church, located at the foot of the Seorak mountain in Korea. It was the first summer conference since we began pioneering a new chapter two and a half month ago.

God richly blessed the conference with 31 attendees. God renewed our faith through the messages which revealed the fullness of God's grace, heart-moving life testimonies, and special lectures that enabled us to experience one of the happiest moments in our lives. We also enjoyed walking on the beach of the East Sea and Seorak mountain as well.   

On the first evening, Dr. Moses Lee shared his life testimony revealing the wonderful grace of God in his life.

Next day morning, Joshua served the main lecture 1 and we believed that all attendees’ hearts might be moved by his lecture. We praise and thank God who raised Joshua as a wonderful speaker of God's words.  

Dahan K delivered the main lecture 2. He constantly worried about his future with many things. It seems his ongoing problem of life. Yet, through the message, he accepted God’s promise as the security of his future that he could overcome the worries of life. Afterward, Mark S. gave a special message. And Jongkil P. delivered a message based on John 13 with his heart. We thank God for Jongkil P. and Keumshim J’s family growing as happy families in Jesus.

Praise and thank God who granted us such a wonderful, happy, and memorable the first conference in and among us!

One word: We were like those who dreamed