"For God so Loved the World" Belize UBF Summer Bible Conference Report (8/2-8/4, 2019)

  • by WMD
  • Sep 09, 2019
  • 720 reads


Report by Sarah Chang

Belize UBF had 2019 Summer Bible Conference from August 2-4 at Mountain View camp with the theme, “For God so loved the world.” 36 people including 2 children attended. 9 people attended partially. Among them, 12 people were newcomers.

The first-day opening message was delivered by Aaron with the title, “For God so Loved the World.” The world is so sinful that it needs God’s wrath and judgment, but God so loved the world he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. After the opening message, our leaders showed a UBF history video.

On the second day, we began with 6 am daily bread message by Shanelle. In the morning, we had group bible studies (4 groups), followed by Dillon's message on Lk 23:26-56 with the title, “Father, Forgive them.” Jesus prayed to God to forgive all those sinners and us all, and died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus is now interceding for us so that we may have confidence to come to holy and righteous God. In the afternoon, we had reflection writing time and shared in each group at 4 pm. In the evening, Lindy delivered the message from Lk 15:11-32 with the title, “He Ran to His Son.” He came to UBF when he was in high school and studied 1:1 with Dillon. After high school he himself became like a prodigal son. God’s love is patient, waiting for sinners to repent. When one sinner repents, there is great joy in heaven. Our leaders showed a campus mission video. Richard, Juan and Dianell shared their life testimony. Richard was a self-supporting student. He began his study and bible study with M. Sarah 10 years ago. He joined the army to support himself and school. He received one word: I will not forsake you, I will not leave you. God’s promise has been true for him. He got his bachelor’s degree and returned to UBF this year and finished Genesis study that he began almost 10 years ago. Juan joined a gang’s group and went to prison three times but he met shepherd Jesus in prison through John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” He began his college this year and met Lindy and came to UBF. He is a new creation in Christ Jesus. Dianell left UBF 3 times and came back again this year. He shared his testimony based on John 21, “Do you love me?” He found hope in Jesus who restored Peter who denied Jesus 3 times.

Sunday worship message was delivered by Darren with the title, “Do you love me?” from John 21:1-25. We have learned the love of God that gave his one and only Son Jesus and even died on the cross for our sins and for the forgiveness of sins and God’s love for a prodigal son, it was time to listen to Jesus’s words, “Do you Love Me more than These?” and to make our love confession to Jesus, “I love you, Lord.” His command gave us direction and mission to feed his lamb, to take care of his sheep and feed his sheep. We also learned that the risen Jesus entrusts his sheep to one who loves Him.

2019 summer bible conference became historical. 1st, our leaders took over responsibility to plan, organize and program this conference. They were the ones who even set the conference fee. 2nd, 12 newcomers. 3rd We used to have 4 group bible studies, but divided into two. 4th, We had a conflict with the camp management’s new leader. He came to collect money for 50 people early in the morning on Sunday. Under the new rule, they wanted 50 at least to rent the place. He was upset that we did not bring 50. He even stirred up our people to leave immediately. We have been praying for 20 for a few years. We will never pray for 50 yet but this gave us a clear prayer topic to pray for 50 now. We are very thankful for this and praying also for the need of our new bible center.

By the grace of God, our leaders learned how hard it is to serve a conference. Their common feedback was that the preparation time was too short. We decided to begin preparing at least 3 months before the conference. It was a very good idea to introduce UBF history and campus mission video to our ministry. This idea came from our leaders who attended 2018 USA international bible conference.  

Thanks, praises, and glory to our Father God and our Lord, Jesus Christ!     

In His Love,
Moses & Sarah Chang

University Bible Fellowship Headquarter | ubf.org