2019 Japan UBF Summer Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Aug 21, 2019
  • 917 reads


(Written by M. Daniel Jeong)

Matthew 16:16, "Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

First of all, we praise and thank God for the Son of the living God who richly blessed Japan UBF Summer Bible Conference on Aug 9-11. There are total 128 attendees from Japan (83) with Children (39), Korea (2), and USA (4). We thank God for raising all the messengers among Japanese growing leaders and missionaries so that we could celebrate Japan UBF 30th anniversary with excellent and heart moving words of God. 

An opening message, “Stretch out Your Hand” based on Mark 3:1-6 was given by Sugie, a PhD student and a faithful servant of God with his wife and daughter. Main lecture 1 was delivered by Naomi with the title, “What is Your Name?” She is in charge of Japan UBF daily bread editing and proofreading.  

Main lecture 2 was delivered by M. Daniel from Chicago UBF, USA with the title, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God” based on Matthew 16:16. He also participated in serving the first historical Japan Summer Bible Conference in 1989. When he was 21, he was invited to UBF Bible study at Michigan in the USA and became a sincere Christian. Afterward, late Dr. Lee invited him to Chicago UBF to receive three-months spiritual training. It became a turning point of his life to devote himself to Jesus fully that he had never planned in his life. In his message, he revealed God’s abundant blessings on his personal life and his family life as well as hard sufferings that he has been going through for the last 35 years of his life. “I am so happy in Christ!", "I have never regretted my decision to follow Christ even if I faced hardship and sufferings,” he confessed. May God help each of us to follow Jesus regardless sufferings and hardships in order to reveal the glory of God. 

Main lecture 3 was spoken by M. Mary with the title, “Make Disciples of All Nations” based on Matthew 28:1-20. She was sent out to LA in the USA as the first oversea missionary from Japan UBF. Amazingly, her mother joined our conference from Hiroshima since her household has supported us too. God has richly blessed M. Mary's mission life in LA since she left Japan to LA as a missionary. God has blessed her to be a faithful bible teacher by raising disciples of Jesus and taking care of her 5 sons as well.       

World Mission Night started with an evening message, “Your Young Men will See Visions and Your Old Men will Dream Dreams” based on Acts 2:1-47 given by Shindo. He is a sacrificial & compassionate growing leader who has brought many students who are like God's lost sheep to our missionaries who teach them the Bible. God raised several of them to be like shepherds. Currently, he is teaching the Bible to 3 students faithfully. He wants to grow as a humble servant relying on the Holy Spirit so that he may raise the three growing students as spiritual leaders in the future. He also wants to establish a house church ministry in God's time so that his house church may be a source of blessing for Japan ministry. 

Second, through the conference, we saw that Japan UBF has been growing in many ways. For example, Tokyo UBF coworkers had partaken in preparing the conference programs such as special songs and praises with their whole hearts devotion together. Their performance opened and moved the hearts of all attendees. And our second gens, Rebecca C., Joseph J. and Joseph K. reaffirmed their identity as children of God once again through Joseph & Rebecca’s character symposium and made new decisions of faith with repentant hearts. 

On the second day evening, there was a united chorus which was comprised of Children's Bible Fellowship (CBF), Junior Bible Fellowship (JBF) and University Bible Fellowship (UBF), and they played a graceful music performance which was followed by Daniel J. jr’s vision camp report which was held in Prague, Czech Republic. We finished the evening program with earnest prayer for European summer conference and for the world evangelism. 

30-Anniversary Celebration

Third, we saw the fruits of Japan through the 30-anniversary celebration at the conference. First of all, we thank God for raising 5 messengers among Japanese leaders, missionaries and many growing second gens. We saw them as the fruits of 30-anniversary. Joshua L., (Gwanju UBF, Korea) who came to support our conference and who also has supported Japan ministry by sending many missionaries from his chapter, praised God's almighty works and his amazing blessing upon Japan which was like a spiritual wasteland to be a blessed nation through Japan UBF ministries and pioneering works for the last 30 years. As the fruits of Japan UBF 30th anniversary, God also established a house church between Samuel J. and Sarah K. jr. at the end of the conference. We praise and thank God who has helped us to bear much fruit for the last 30 years In spite of our weaknesses and shortcomings. 

Junior Bible Fellowship (JBF)/Children's Bible Fellowship (CBF) Had a Joint Conference

JBF/CBF Joint conference was held in the same days and place led by M. Ezra coworking with Isihara, M. Paul, M. Samuel, M. Prayer, Johane and Maria. An opening messenger was served by Maria with the title, "Blessed are the Meek" based on Matthew 5:5. Main lecture 1 was delivered by M. Samuel entitled, "Jesus, the Meek" based on Matthew 21:1-11. Main lecture 2 was spoken by Johane with the title, "The Heart of the Meek" based on 2 Timothy 2:20-26.       

We deeply thank you for your love and prayer support for this conference and Japan ministry thus far. We request for your continuing prayer support especially for M. Thomas' healing from the parkinsonism. May the Lord continue to bless Japan UBF to continue to pray and engage in one to one discipleship ministry so that we may pioneer 47 campuses in Japan and 47 Asian countries through the Gospel of Jesus in God's time.   

HQ University Bible Fellowship (UBF)