Summer Conference Report from Gwanak 3, Korea UBF

  • by WMD
  • Aug 20, 2019
  • 608 reads

(Written by Daniel Byeon)

On July11-14, Gwanak3 UBF held its summer Bible conference at Daewoong Development Institute at Yong-in Korea. Three months before the conference we started prayer meetings and invitation work in preparation for the conference. God answered our earnest prayers by sending 20 new students to our Student Bible Retreat in April. Through the Student Bible Retreat, the students’ hearts were moved by the love of Christ from the messages of Isaiah 53 and John10. All 20 students registered straight away for our Summer Bible conference.

After the Student Bible Retreat, we all offered to God 500 times of united prayers through early morning prayer meetings and every Tue, Wed and Thursday prayer meetings. We prayed to invite 50 new students to our summer Bible conference in accordance with Dr. John Jun’s direction. We praise and thank God for he has done great things among us. Hearing our 500 times of earnest prayers, He answered and brought 62 new students to the conference, exceeding our invitation goal of 50 new students!

159 people attended the conference, including the 62 new students. This was the first summer Bible conference since sh. Daniel Byeon succeeded as the Gwanak 3 UBF director. He co-worked with Dr. John Jun after P. Moses Yoon was sent to Chicago as the UBF General Director, and sh. Joshua Kim, along with 4 other families were sent out from Gwanak 3 to pioneer Gwanak 7.

The main lecture 1 was based on Genesis 3:1-24 and was given by sh. Bunyan Bum. He boldly testified to God’s marvelous love towards sin-sick mankind. It was followed by sister Y.J.’s heart moving life testimony shared with many tears based on the words “Adam, Where Are You?”

The second day’s evening lecture was titled “What Is Your Name?” was based on Mark 5:1-20 and was delivered by sh. H.D. You. He explored the existence of humans under the power of the devil and he also testified to Jesus who came to free those, who all their lives were held in slavery by the devil. Through his message, many new students’ hearts were touched, and they accepted the gospel. This was followed by 3 students’ sincere testimonies based on main lecture 1. After that, 11 new students joyfully performed powerful music led by sh. Mark Yoon jr, sh. J.J. Hong, and sh. D.K. Kang. Through these programs, we saw a new vision to raise 12 disciples among the new students.

On the third day, a Sunday, the main lecture 2 titled “The Cross of Jesus” based on Luke 23, was proclaimed by sh. Gideon Bae. He revealed the love of Christ based on his experienced faith in Jesus. This was followed by sh. Seonghe You’s sincere testimony. She shed many tears of gratitude for the forgiving love of Christ. After that, 10 new students shared their graceful and heart moving testimonies, confessing their sins and accepting Jesus’s forgiving love with many tears.

Main lecture 3 was titled “The Flood & the Ark of Salvation” based on Genesis 8:1-22, was powerfully given by sh. J.I. Choi. His message was well prepared, and it clearly revealed God’s salvation & judgment for mankind. This was followed by a beautiful stringed music performance which consisted of student leaders & new students and a stage performance led by sh. Abraham Choi, which gave us great joy.

On the fourth day, the morning lecture was titled “He Is Not Here; He has Risen” based on Luke 24:1-12. It was delivered by sh. J.S. Park. It gave great hope of resurrection to all the new sheep who had felt burdened by their sins and were weary of their real-life problems.

The last lecture was titled “You will Be a Blessing” based on Genesis 12:1-8 and it was given by sh. Samuel Shin. It was an encouraging message for all of us to boldly serve the upcoming Fall campus ministry with a clear identity as a source of blessing to the campus. This was followed by sh. HyunGu Kang’s dramatic and life-changing testimony: of how he transformed from a sinner into a source of blessing to the campus.

Again, we praise and thank God for the great things He has done among us by answering our 500 times of earnest prayers and by bringing 62 new students to our summer Bible conference, exceeding our invitation goal of 50 new students.

We thank God for all our coworkers, lecturers, student leaders, women coworkers for their sacrificial service to God in one heart as one body of Christ. We thank God for establishing a new student group named “Joseph Team” with 10 new students who are growing through testimony sharing every Saturday at 6:00 PM ever since the conference. They are going to have a symposium in a month’s time based on the book, The Pilgrim’s Progress. We pray that God may raise 12 new disciples among the new students within this year and enable us to actively serve Bible Korea and world mission.

Daniel Byeon 

HQ University Bible Fellowship (UBF)