"Love Is..." Ukraine UBF Conference - Thanksgiving Report (Video)

  • by WMD
  • Jun 06, 2019
  • 1135 reads


Report by M. Peter Kim

Luke 15:20  “And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.”

Ukraine UBF held a united conference between Kiev and Odessa UBF from May 23-26, 2019. The conference title was  “Love is…” on the basis of Luke 15:20. The conference was held at a beautiful resort in Odessa. With the support of Kiev UBF leaders, Odessa UBF was able to organize everything very well and devoted much time to prayer (united kneeling prayer). It was such a beautiful conference where all the participants learned and shared God’s unchanged love—of waiting and forgiving all sinners who betray God’s love. The guests from other countries were Pastor Ron Ward (Chicago UBF), shep. Lena Park & Artem (Moscow UBF), brother Andrew Mun (Perm UBF), and Abraham Stas (Almaty UBF). We are so thankful that they could join us and support us in prayer. Total conference attendance was 164 people (including children).

Thank God for His patient and forgiving love for all sinners. Thank you to all the prayer servants for your prayer support for this conference and for Ukraine UBF. Thank God that all Ukrainian UBF leaders prayed together and accomplished God’s work here with one spirit and one vision. Specifically, thank God for M. John Lee, Grace Lee, and the Odessa UBF leaders for preparing and serving this conference wholeheartedly. May God bless and use Ukraine UBF so that Ukraine may become a shepherd nation and missionary-sending nation. The last day of the conference had a very meaningful leadership succession ceremony where M. Peter and Sarah Kim transferred Kiev UBF leadership to shep. Vladmir Jacob and Oksana. The ceremony was presided over by Pastor Ron Ward, who delivered the message. We thanked and praised God for using M. Peter and Sarah Kim as pioneers and shepherds for God’s flock during the last 28 years. We pray for new leadership at Kiev UBF, so that God may use them as wonderful shepherds and Bible teachers for God’s flock in Ukraine.

Through this conference report, my family and I would like to express our thankful hearts to all our UBF co-workers for your one-sided love and prayer support for me and my family. All thanks and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you very much.

<Video overview>