A Letter from Moscow

  • by WMD
  • May 17, 2019
  • 689 reads

Today (5/12) The Sunday Service in Moscow Center delivered a message by Pastor Ron Ward with the words of I Peter 2. The Word was full of power and grace. It is a great blessing for us by the early Saints who suffered unmatchedly with pioneering faith that was more precious than gold, that is to receive praise, glory and honor on that day. We also learned that we should work hard to come to Jesus Christ, the cornerstone, and preach the gospel as witnesses of the gospel with a clear identity as a royal priesthood. Thank God for sending Missionary Mark Yang and Pastor Ron Ward to give us comfort, strength and hope. Missionary Mark suffered from a cold with throat pain. He  served the Bible study blowing his nose every time, though he felt better now. Pastor Ron Ward served with pain on his shoulder and arm. Thank God for their devotion and sacrificial service, and for giving great strength to our missionaries, shepherds, and second generations. I sincerely thank God for Chicago coworkers’ constant prayers for our Moscow ministry.

Thank you.

From Moscow,

Banabas Kim