2019 UBF Asia Directors’ Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Apr 18, 2019
  • 527 reads


2019 UBF Asia Directors conference was held with the theme “That all of them may be one” on Jan3-5th at Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia. All 40 people attended from throughout Asia.

Discipleship ministry in Mongolia UBF is growing fast since M. Matthew Lim and M. Paul Gwon were sent to the land in year 1991 as missionaries. There are 4 UBF chapters including “Ulaanbaatar East & Ulaanbaatar West UBF” and three house churches among the native shepherds. We really thank God for fruitful evangelism in Mongolia through sacrificial life of faith and prayers of M. Matthew & Maria Lim, M.Paul & Esther Gwon.

The conference program was focused on the words of God as done last year,  because we believe that only the living words of God can help each directors and native shepherds.  

We thank God for blessing the conference richly with full of God’s grace and truth through the living words of God.  The opening message was given by M. Peter Lee with the title of “Now give me this hill country” on Joshua 14:12. We all were greatly encouraged by the spiritual general Caleb who kept the promise of God in his heart which was given by God 45 years ago. Even at his age of 85, he did not want to  retire, but he participated actively in God’s conquering war over the Promised Land.

After then, P. Moses Yoon(GD) delivered the main message powerfully, “That all of them may be one” based on John17:1-26. Through his message, we learned that:

(1) God’s earnest desire for each one of us to be one,

(2) Why we all must become one,

(3) How we can be one,

(4) What happens among us when we become one.

We had group Bible studies based on 1Kings 1:1-18:45 (three lectures). Through the GBS we learned that:

(1) How God greatly blessed Solomon & his kingdom when he had humbly relied on God and was living by faith,

(2) How his kingdom was divided and destroyed after following  gentile women and idols,

(3) How God powerfully used his servant Elijah, a powerful prayer warrior with God’s shepherd heart for the people. He delivered God’s people from idol worshipping of Baal and Asherah killing 450 prophets of Baal.     

The next day evening, M. Jacob Lee gave a special lecture titled “God’s vision for next generation”. We learned about the Biblical basis of why we should raise next generation leaders.

We praise and thank God for refreshing all attendees of faith, hope and pioneering spirit through this conference. We also thank God for enabling us to have a deep loving fellowship in the word of God. Especially based on the main lecture “That all of them may be one”, we came to know each other better through writing and sharing testimonies. 

Next year in 2020, Asia directors conference will be held in Cambodia, and M. Paul Gwon was elected as the 4th Asia Continental Coordinator after M. Peter Lee.  

Again we praise and thank God for recharging our faith and making 2019 Asia directors conference as an unprecedented one full of grace through the life giving words of God.  And thank God for Mongolian coworkers and their sacrifices serving delicious food and providing good environment.