HQ Education Department Annual Report

  • by WMD
  • Apr 17, 2019
  • 454 reads


Education Department of HQ

By Ron Ward

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” (2Ti 2:15, ESV)

The Education Department included the following persons: Department Chairman—Ron Ward Education Administration--Kevin Albright Education Programs Development—Augustine Suh Conference/Workshop Program Committee—Mark Vucekovich, Teddy Hembekides, Augustine Suh, Kevin Albright, Ron Ward Bible Study Material Committee--Ron Ward, Mark Yang, Augustine Suh, Paul Koh, Teddy Hembekides Emerging Leaders Cohort Committee--Teddy Hembekides, Kevin Albright, Augustine Suh, Abraham T. Kim HQ Online Education Committee--Paul Hong, Augustine Suh, Kevin Albright, Ezra Cho The Education Department was active in 2018 to further and enhance the education of UBF leaders and members in the following ways:


The annual UBF North America Staff Conference was held from January 10-12, 2019 at the Sheraton Hotel near O’Hare Airport in Chicago. The conference title was “That All of them May Be One” (Jn 17:21). About 166 leaders (staff members and their spouses) attended. The program included three messages: an opening message, “You Will Be My Witnesses” (Ac 1:8), by P. Abraham Kim, main message 1, “That All of them May Be One” (Jn 17:1-25), by P. Moses Yoon, and main message 2, “Jesus Christ and Him Crucified” (1Co 1:18-2:16), by Sh. William Larsen. In addition, there was a Multi-Generational Conversation led by Dr. Moses Noh and regional reports. There were also special presentations on 1) vision camps by Jacob Lee, 2) the Wikipedia Project by Bill Pottenger, 3) the Emerging Leaders Cohort by Kevin Albright, and 4) an educational opportunity at Wheaton College by Scott Moreau. P. Moses Yoon gave the following prayer topics: 1) to study the Bible deeply and fervently in 2019 and preach the gospel diligently, believing the power of God’s word; 2) 5,000 one-to-one Bible studies weekly in all North American chapters combined; 3) to build up loving Christ-centered communities in each chapter, region and as a whole; 4) raise next generation leaders.


Full-time staff shepherd training continued in 2018 in the Midwest Region. Staff members met every other Monday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for Bible study, followed by educational programs on Biblical Ethics and Preaching. The main book covered in Bible study was Romans, and we also began to study Revelation, led by Teddy Hembekides. Each UBF chapter leader shared prayer topics regularly and we prayed for each campus ministry in the Midwest Region. We also had times to discuss various topics that are important in spiritual leadership. In 2019 we plan to finish the study of Revelation. We also plan to have educational courses on the subjects of Spiritual Warfare and the Old Testament. Each UBF region in the USA and Canada is encouraged to develop their own staff training program. Headquarters staff are available to visit and serve as needed. Please pray for all UBF full-time staff shepherds to grow as excellent shepherds, Bible students and teachers, and administrators who can provide healthy spiritual leadership to the ministries under our care.


The HQ Bible study team, consisting of Mark Yang, Teddy Hembekides, Ron Ward, Paul Koh and Augustine Suh met regularly to prepare materials for the International Summer Bible Conference. These materials included an overview of the conference theme, “His Kingdom,” and study questions and guides for the passages covered at the conference: Matthew 6:9-13; Matthew 9:1-13; Luke 24:44-47; Matthew 5:1-16; Revelation 5:1-14; and Revelation 21:1-22:21. We also prepared materials DEPARTMENTS/COMMITTEES 194 USA/CANADA Annual Reports for the Missionary/Shepherd Conference, in which we studied the entire book of Hebrews through five theme studies. We continued editing the discipleship materials developed in the LDW 2014-2017, and plan to publish the manual in 2019. In addition, we prepared an introduction to the book of Revelation, and began to produce study questions.


Online Education (Committee: Paul Hong, Augustine Suh, Kevin Albright, Ezra Cho) Two Online School classes (spring 2018) successfully finished: Church History 1, Bible Doctrine 1 (instructors: Augustine Suh, Kevin Albright); platform: CourseSites.com; about 20 students participated. Three Online School classes (fall 2018) successfully finished: Church History 2, Bible Doctrine 2, New Testament Interpretation 1 (course instructors: Augustine Suh, Ezra Cho; Assistant: Kevin Albright; TA (David Hwang, Matthew Jun); online platform: blackboard.com); about 30 students (chapter directors and leaders) participated. Working on collaborating with the Korea UBF Education department to support missionary education.


Emerging Leaders Cohort (Committee: Teddy Hembekides, Kevin Albright, Augustine Suh, Abraham T. Kim) Alpha team (4): Greg Lewis (Toledo), Spencer Luebben (Minneapolis), Michael Mark (IIT), Nonso Ukeka (Triton) (Course/year 2) 3 sessions for spring were held (topics: Character Formation led by Henry Park & John Yoon; Pastoral Care/Counseling led by Sam & Grace S Lee; Outreach led by David Kim & Paul Choi (Course/year 3) 3 sessions for fall were held (topics: Marriage & Family led by Mark Vucekovich; Spiritual Warfare led by Joshua Hong & Augustine Suh; Disciple-making led by Teddy Hembekides) Bravo team (7): Ben West (Minneapolis), Natan Bekit (Toronto), Triton: KC Ukeka, Danny Holowicki, Timothy Lopez; Duke Ekokota (Yaba Tech, Nigeria), Philip Brown (Wash.DC) (Course/year 1) 3 sessions for spring: Walking by the Spirit led by Teddy Hembekides; Moses Noh; Word of God led by Ron Ward; Mark Yang; Prayer led by Teddy H; Henry Park; Andrew Christopher (Course/year 2): 3 sessions for this fall were successfully held (topics: Calling led by Juan Seo & Joshua Hong; Community of Christ led by Mark Yoon & Augustine Suh; Character Formation led by Henry Park & John Yoon). ELC Charlie team will be announced for recruiting Jan 2019.


In support of P. Moses Yoon and the worldwide ministry of UBF, Education Committee members participated in conferences and workshops. Their purpose was to build up spiritual fellowship within the UBF ministry worldwide and to serve with Bible study, prayer and educational support. Augustine Suh participated in the Korean staff conference in mid-December. Kevin Albright attended the Oceania Director’s Conference in Brisbane from December 31, 2018 to January 2, 2019. Ron Ward participated in the European Director’s Conference in Bucharest, Romania from December 26-29, 2018 and the CIS Director’s Conference in Irkutsk, Russia from January 4-6, 2019.