The second Vision Camp at Prague, Czech Republic 2019 updates and prayer requests

  • by WMD
  • Apr 09, 2019
  • 914 reads

As of April 4th, 2019

156 eager student registered for the 2019 vision camp at Prague, Czech Republic which will be held one week before the European Summer Bible Conference.

We have 7 major goals for the vision camp.

1. Renew God's calling and our identity 

2. Stay in God's promises as Isaac Generation

3. Taste Sweetness of God's words (Powerful messages from next generation leaders who know the second gens)

4. Network among next generations- share ownership and master mind of UBF ministry and build spiritual community of God's love

5. Become a source of blessing to family and ministry

6. Promote the World Mission Vision 

7. Support ESBC-50th year of UBF European pioneering celebration (Chorus and Orchestra and Dance)

We need 20 mentors who will help 20 GBS leaders throughout the vision camp.

Thank you for your  prayers  and  practical support for the vision camp.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please send email to Jacob Lee. WMD Director at