(MONGOLIA/Update) The News of J*uYongKim

  • by WMD
  • Nov 05, 2020
  • 986 reads


Last summer, he underwent a comprehensive examination including the implanted bone and skin, and all were recovering well without any problems. The bones are stronger. It doesn't hurt to jump lightly. He needs only to be careful because of the weakened joints. The flesh began to fill up and the muscles began to attach to the leg. "Every day, I take a walk around my house or ride an indoor bicycle for rehabilitation..." he said. 

He returned to middle school taking classes online from Korea after two years in bed. It is not easy. But he shared thanksgiving topics, “Malachi 4:2 saved me from my despair. I recited it day and night when the surgery continued, and my bones did not stick quickly. I couldn't go to school. Sometimes I was afraid that my friends would make fun of me as disabled. But every time, the word of God changed my heart and gave me new hope. God would make me jump like a calf.”  The healing power of God is just amazing. We are praying that there will be no special obstacles left so that muscles and flesh will continue to stick together, and joints will become stronger.

I would like to express my gratitude to the warriors of prayers who have always been concerned and prayed for J*ooYong and our family.

By Y*ooShinKim

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He came back to Mongolia on March 2nd after 10 months. Now he can walk without crutches. It's a great miracle of God's grace When I think of his going to Korea on the day of the accident. He has not been able to go to school but trying to rehabilitate at home. His filled-up hill is so weak that he often gets injured. It will take a long time to become solid flesh like the original heel. When I see his leg full of traces of transplants and surgery everywhere, I still feel sad. But Juyong rather comforts me with a bright face that I am thankful that he is alive and able to walk. He is bright and vigorously rehabilitating now. Thank you for all your prayers. Please keep praying for him to walk and run freely for God's glory.

By Y*ooShinKim


He started to walk on clutches after untying the plaster from his legs. We give thanks and praise to God for God has given him marvelous healing upon him. We believe that it is God's answer to the earnest prayers of our UBF coworkers throughout the world.  Currently, he is receiving outpatient treatment daily from an orthopedic office near his home. He also is going to get a bone graft this October. Please continue to pray that he may undergo rehabilitation well and get a successful bone graft so that his bone may be attached to its place firmly.  Thank you for your prayer support!

By Y*ooShinKim