• by WMD
  • Apr 03, 2019
  • 653 reads

WITS UBF held a Bible Conference from 22-24 March 2019.  The total number of attendants were 61, consisting of the following attendants:

  1. Wits UBF = 40

  • Shepherds x 5, Missionaries x 7, Students x 17, Post-graduates and workers x 11

  1. Guests = 9

  • Lesotho students x 2, Lesotho graduate x 1, Zim-UBF graduates x 2, Shepherd Andries and Annie from UWC, Missionaries Mark and Debbie from UKZN.

  1. CBF = 12

  • Nanny x 1, WITS local children 3, WIST second-gens x 4, UKZN second gens x 2 and UWC second gens x 2.

This was the first conference after the leadership of WITS UBF was handed over to the local shepherds on 17 February 2019. A conscious decision was made for the conference to be served by local shepherds only. Practically, this meant that unlike before, the WITS missionaries did not serve the conference but instead form their own group under the leadership of missionary Daniel with their own program. The newly formed director’s committee took full responsibility for the planning and hosting of the conference. One of their prayer topics, was for each brother and sister in the WITS ministry to actively take ownership of the ministry. We prayed that everyone collectively participates and contributes to the work of God. It was with this in mind, that we chose the theme of the conference as: “Because of Jesus …..” Instead of the leaders having to push our brothers and sisters to participate, we wanted them to make a decision for themselves based on what Jesus did for them personally.  Because of Jesus, we prayed that the brothers and sisters could firstly embrace God’s direction for our ministry, secondly willingly choose to live a different life in obedience to God’s word, and lastly serve God actively in our ministry. In other words, their motivation to serve God would not be based on what the leaders tell them but based on what God has done for them through Jesus.

With this as our prayer topics and goals, we divided all our members into peer groups. The students were divided into two groups (each group consisting of both brothers and sisters) that was served by shepherd Desmond, shepherd Andries, and shepherdess Annie. The postgraduates and workers were also divided into two groups, yet the brothers formed one group served by shepherd Christiaan and the sisters formed another group served by shepherdess Sarah. Moreover, because one of our prayer topics this year is for the SRC committee to become an active and vibrant body on WITS campus, the students in the SRC committee formed their own bible study group that was served by shepherd Lesedi. The CBF followed a program led by shepherdess Rebekah and Annie.

On Friday night the respective groups had the 1st Group Study based on Romans 12:1-2 followed by a lecture presented by shepherd Andries on Saturday morning. The theme of this study was: In View of God’s mercy. Through this passage God firstly moved our hearts with His wonderful and deep mercy, given to us through Jesus. We learned that by default we are all sinners and therefore naturally objects of God’s wrath. Nevertheless, because of His rich mercy, God did not condemn us. But sent Jesus as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. In Jesus, God forgives our sins through faith and then adopts us as his precious children. Secondly, in view of God’s mercy, God urges us to no longer conform to the patterns of this world but rather worship God by offering Him our bodies as living sacrifices.

The question is, however, in view of God’s mercy how can we practically offer our bodies as living sacrifices? We tried to answer this question during our second group study. The passage for study 2, however, was different for each peer group.

The post-graduates/workers group studied John 21 with the theme: Take care of my sheep. Through this study, we realized that taking care of Jesus’ sheep is not only the way Jesus wants us to practically love him, but also, in view of God’s mercy, an excellent way for our graduates and workers to practically offer their bodies as living sacrifices to God. Because of Jesus, we must all be shepherds who take care of Jesus’ sheep.

The students studied Mark 4 with the theme: Hear and Accept God’s word. Through this passage each student could identify the nature of their hearts and sin based on how they hear God’s word. But because of Jesus’ mercy and grace each students was determined to cultivate their hearts such that they can hear and accept God’s word like good soil such that they too can produce fruits 30, 60 and 100 times what was sown.

The Wits UBF club committee studied 2 Timothy 3:10-17 with the theme: Be thoroughly equipped for every good work. From this passage we firstly, learned that to live a godly life will come with some form of suffering. That as students they should not count strange when they face some form of suffering because of their faith in the Lord. Rather in view of God’s mercy we can be encouraged to do every good work for the glory of God. Secondly, we learned that, to be thoroughly equipped for every good work, we need to study the Bible, we need to love the scriptures. Because 2 Tim 3:16-17, teaches that, all scripture is God breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped. One student even shared about how difficult it is for him to forgive someone who used to be close to him. However he was encouraged that through meditating and studying the word of God, he could be thoroughly equipped and trained to forgive. We learned that to do any good work either for our friends, family and on campus we need to study the Bible so that we are thoroughly equipped for those good work.

Then on Saturday afternoon and based on Genesis 2:4-5, students engaged in a special study about dating and the graduates/workers looked at God’s design for marriage. The fact that the brothers and sisters were divided into peer groups, allowed them to engage in open and sincere discussions. Many questions and concerns about dating and marriage were raised. Yet at the same time was collectively answered based on God’s word. We sincerely pray that because of Jesus our brothers and sisters will abstain from dating to rather prayerfully wait on God to establish Godly marriages among them.

On Saturday night, and after an hour of worship and prayer, the brothers and sisters wrote their testimonies. Yet unlike before, they were not given prepared Sunday or conference messages to assist them to write their testimonies. Instead, it was our prayer that they come directly to the word of God and write their testimonies with the help only of what they learned during the group studies. God poured His Spirit on them as the testimonies that were shared Sunday morning was very sincere and graceful. It was evident that most brothers and sisters received God’s word personally through the various passages.

For example, sister Tshepi from Lesotho shared that she was previously actively involved in serving in a local youth organization. However, after being so disappointed by people she used her enrollment at university as an excuse to run away from serving young people anymore. But through John 21 she newly heard Jesus’ call for her to take care of his sheep in Lesotho.  Brother Kenneth also shared how based on Mark 4 he realized that just as thorns choke seed from growing, so the many fears in his heart about his life choke the word of God from growing in him. Consequently, after 4 years of bible study he has not grown spiritually as much as he wanted. But in view of God’s mercy, he wants to bring all his fears to Jesus and obey His word practically to not worry about his life anymore. Instead, Kenneth wants to rely on God to take care of him and provide in all his needs. Sister Becca shared based on Genesis 2 that she had the wrong idea about what marriage is. Previously she thought that it was necessary to check if her spouse one day met all the conditions that were seemingly proper and feasible for her. However, in doing so it meant she was planning to go into marriage with a self-serving purpose rather than a purpose to serve God first and herself second. Now she wants to trust God in prayer to choose a spouse for her. These are but three examples of how God worked through His word in the hearts of many of the brothers and sisters who attended the conferences.  

The challenge for everyone at the conference, however, is to practically obey God’s word once we returned home after the conference. We know that this would not be easy. But on Sunday we learned from 1 Peter 2:4-5 that God wants us to be living stones, just like Jesus when He was on earth. Though Jesus was rejected by the world, He was like an unmovable and unshakable stone that never compromised God’s word. Likewise, we too must not be discouraged to obey God’s word by what people say or do. It is not what people say that matters, but what God says. Therefore, although the world rejects us because of Jesus, God still chose each one of us and highly honors us as His children. With this in mind we too, just like Jesus, can be an immovable and unshakable living stone that practically obey God’s word; regardless of the situation or challenges, we face in this world.  

We really thank God for His son Jesus Christ. Through Jesus, God has shown mercy to all of us; by not condemning us to eternal death but to forgive our sins and bringing peace between us and Him. In view of God’s mercy, the students should cultivate their hearts in order to hear and accept God’s word like good soil such that they too can produce fruits 30, 60 and 100; the postgraduates and workers have to take care of Jesus’ sheep and lastly, the UBF club members must not think it strange to encounter sufferings because of their faith in Jesus, but be encouraged to do every good work on campus for the glory of God.  

Prayer Topics

Immediate Prayer Topics

  1. Study God’s word continually. Obey it practically. (Joshua 1:7-8)

  2. SRC to be established as a vibrant and active committee on campus.

  3. Leadership handover to be guided throughout 2019 by God’s gracious hand.

  4. Graceful and powerful Sunday messages delivered by Desmond, Christiaan and Lesedi

  5. Raising disciples of Jesus who can live a bible centred life wherever they are.

Long term Prayer topics (5-10 years)

  1. To pioneer Lesotho. Pray specifically for God to help sister Tshepi to take care of students and teach them the word of God.

  2. To Pioneer UJ and Potchefstroom through regular visits to each campus.

  3. To raise 5 shepherds/shepherdess who are willing to sacrifice their lives in order to take care of Jesus’ sheep on campus.

  4. To establish 6 house churches among senior brothers and sisters.

Prayer topics for other chapters

  1. For Missionary Paulo Motubane to pioneer Mozambique.

  2. For God to send co-workers to missionary Mark and Debbie in UKZN.

  3. For missionary Mark to study the bible with one student at UKZN

  4. For God to lead shepherd Andries and Annie at UWC to a new mission field where they can serve and co-work in an established ministry.