Rwanda Bible workshop (3.4-8)

  • by WMD
  • Mar 14, 2019
  • 575 reads

Thank and praise God for blessing our Bible Workshop, focusing on God’s calling, with 5 special lectures! 25 people attended including 10 freshmen. For 5 days, from 6 am to 10 pm, the students had very intensive and joyful Bible study, message and deep testimony writing and sharing! All group Bible leaders and messengers were natives! Especially thank God for establishing Sh. Emmy, Felicien and Cynthia as faithful stewards of God’s flock! Many of them received God’s words and accepted God’s calling for campus 1:1 Bible study and Discipleship ministry! We pray that all of them may remember and hold on God’s words and commit their lives to God’s callings! Thank God for our IIT,  Chicago and WM coworkers’ prayer supports!

By Daniel and Deborah Yang