2019 Korea UBF National Student Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Mar 04, 2019
  • 732 reads

“The Incomparable Riches of God’s Grace” 

On Jan.21-24, 2019 Korea UBF held its National Student Conference with the title, “The Incomparable Riches of His Grace” at Cheongpung Resort at Jecheon, Korea. In all, 263 attended from 42 local chapters in Korea. 

The messengers were: S.YongHo Nah (Gwangwoon UBF, Lecture 1, “The Incomparable Riches of His Grace” on Eph 2:1-10); S.DeukHyun Kang (Hankang UBF, “A Special Message about Soteriology”); S.YongSeok Kim (Yong-in UBF, Lecture 2, “The Signs of the End Times” on Mt 24); John Lee Jr (Anam 1 UBF, Lecture 3, “The God who Blessed the Rekabites” on Jer 35); S.NoWon Song (KyounKi UBF, Lecture 4, “Be Very Careful, Then, How You Live – Not as Unwise but as Wise” on Eph 5:15-21); S.Peter Kim (Yuljun UBF, Lecture 5, “Put on the Full Armor of God on Eph 6:10-20).

During the meetings, 5 students shared their sincere testimonies with their clear decisions of faith and repentance of sins based on the grace from the messages (only 5 shared due to time limits). Also, 7 students (including 5 next gens) shared their graceful life testimonies at the meeting. Among them, Sarah GulZan very movingly testified to Jesus who rescued her from her sin of idolatry in a Muslim country and made her a blessing and campus shepherd.

We thank God for richly blessing the 2019 Korea UBF national student conference with heart-moving messages and testimonies. Especially we thank God for the 23 student leaders who whole-heartedly served group Bible studies. They are promising student leaders for each campus in Korea since they were selected for the conference from each local UBF chapters in Korea. Many other students served the conference with praise, worship songs, special songs, outdoor activities and more which made us all one in Jesus’ love.

Based on lecture 3 on Jeremiah 35, God richly blessed the Rekabites because, for about 300 years, they fully obeyed everything their forefather Jehonadab commanded them. Likewise, we have received UBF traditions such as one to one Bible study, writing testimonies, marriage by faith and more from UBF ancestors. These have blessed us to focus on God-centered living and growing in the image of Jesus, bearing fruits inwardly and outwardly.      

May God help our growing student leaders to be like the Rekabites so that they can be richly blessed, succeeding the work of faith in UBF ministry to serve Korea and world campus mission for the glory of God as next generation leaders.

Jonathan Kim (Gwangju 1,6)