2019 2nd Internatinal Vision Camp Registration 2019 2nd Internatinal Vision Camp Registration

  • by UBF HQ
  • Feb 25, 2019
  • 540 reads

Acts 2:17 "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”

Greetings in the Lord!

God’s vision in the last days is to use sons and daughters, young men and women of God, and old men to bless all peoples of the earth through the world mission. Mission is God’s heart desire to bring salvation to all mankind. World mission is too great to do it alone and too important not to do it.

So, God is inviting our next gens to join the 2nd international vision camp hosted by Europe and sponsored by UBF WMD from August 1 to 8 at Prague, Czech Republic. European UBF will celebrate 50 year anniversary of pioneering history of Europe and all vision camp members will participate the European Summer Bible Conference at Willingen Germany from August 8-11, 2019. It is 5 hour bus rides from Prague. We ask you to arrive August 1 in the morning if possible and the airport name is PRG (Prague International Airport)

The theme of the 2nd 2019 International Vision Camp is “Stay in God’s Promises” based on Genesis 26:3. This is our prayers to raise up Isaac generation as keepers of God’s promises as we see the rise of the next generations like the mighty waves of the Oceans and stars in the sky.

The scholarship will be available but it is limited. Therefore, please apply it if you really need it so that young people from small house church ministries may receive financial support. (장학금은 꼭 필요한 학생만 신청하십시오)There will be a review process for those who applied scholarship. We will send you application for scholarship if you requested it. Approval letter will be sent to you after we review it individually. Space is limited to 100 and it will be first come and first serve policy. (선착순으로 100명만 받습니다) The age limit is 15 to 26.

If you are interested in joining 2019 2nd International Vision Camp, please register at the website below.


Please pray for the final program and speakers and staff who are preparing 2019 International Vision Camp at Prague, Czech Republic. Attached you will find 2018 Vision Book.

On behalf of UBF General Director Pastor Moses Yoon,

WMD Jacob Lee