2019 Korea UBF World Mission Directors and Managers Meeting Report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 13, 2019
  • 693 reads

On February 9, 2019, Korea UBF held its world mission directors and managers meeting at Jongro UBF in Seoul. Its purpose was for  practical preparations for the upcoming European Summer Bible Conference on August 8-11, 2019. The meeting started with GBS, entitled, “In Him was Life” on John 1:4. And after having lunch fellowship,  Sh. John Park(Gwangju 2) gave a special lecture entitled, “The Meaning of the European Conference in the View of Church History.” It was followed by Sh. Mark Cho’s (Jeju UBF, Korea UBF-EU Coordinator) explanation of the detailed preparations of the EU conference including a youth vision camp and a sight-seeing tour. Also, he shared the meaning of the conference.

After that, Sh. Moses Lee (Korea UBF Director) gave an encouraging message, entitled, “Enlarge the Place of your Tent,” on Isaiah54:2.

At the end we had a united prayer time with these topics:

1. M. James Kang’s preparation of the EU conference as EU Coordinator

2. Preparation of the EU Vision Camp

3. The Korea UBF journey team may be a great encouragement at the conference and may learn about the God of EU

4. Many wandering youth may come and see the vision of God through the EU conference

5. Korea UBF world mission directors and managers to actively serve the EU conference with a clear identity as the host of the EU conference

Right after the meeting we established a UBF world mission directors and managers internet community in order to share ideas, information and prayer topics.    

Caleb Kim, Director of Korea UBF World Mission Department