2019 European Directors’ conference in Romania

  • by WMD
  • Jan 28, 2019
  • 1009 reads

That all of them may be one (John 17:21)

Praise God for blessing the conference through the Word of life and graceful fellowship in the Holy Spirit. We thank Jesus, who obeyed God until he died on the cross.  We thank Jesus for his forgiveness of our sins through giving his life on the cross. Praise Jesus who gives eternal life to all believers in Him.

The 2019 EDC was held during 26-29 Dec. in Romania. The title was That all of them may be one (John 17:21). The program consisted in (1) Report on Romanian mission (msn. John Jung) (2) Annual Report on European mission (3) Opening message (Koinonia 1 John 1, by Reiner Schauwienold) (4) GBS (4 lessons, John 17, 1 John 2-4 (5) 2019 ESBC presentation/Vision Camp (by msn. Elijah Park/Jacob Lee) (6) New year’s message (“That all of them may be one” John 17, by P. Moses Yoon) (7) Reflection writing and sharing (8) Foot washing (5-min.message by Shep. Volker Keller) (9) Closing message (“Faith is the victory” 1 John 5, by msn. James Kang) (10) Campus visit. In this conference 112 brothers and sisters attended in total.  The conference venue was beautiful and the food was very good.

First: God blessed us with 3 messages, through which He gave the clear direction of our spiritual life for the New Year. The message of P. Moses Yoon was very clear for our spiritual direction; that all of them may be one. P. Moses Yoon emphasized, that the most important work of God is to be one in Jesus. Even now he is praying for us with same prayer topic. The opening message was full of grace. We learned that we have to repent for our sins to complete thekoinonia. We learned through the closing message that faith in Jesus is our victory in the world.

Second: The conference was centered in Bible studies and koinonia. We had 4 GBS in total. Bible studying of the integrity of  1John helped us  understand deeply the New Year’s message with That all of them may be one(Jn17:21). During the conference we studied the Bible, and ate, and studied Bible. All brothers and sisters remained thankful to God for that.

Third: One body of missionaries, native shepherds and 2nd generation. missionaries. The attendants only from Europe were 97 people. Among them native shepherds - 19, second generation missionaries - 22. All of them prayed to be one in Jesus. They had their own Bible studies separately. All of them participated in the Foot washing ceremony with grace and joy. God blessed this ceremony. We all prayed for next 50 years of European mission, especially for 2019 ESBC in Willingen, Germany. God made the harmony between the three different generations in Jesus. We are praying for God’s world mission in Europe together in one spirit and one mind.

Fourth: God blessed the program of hymns. Msn. Barnabas Woo from Greece served wholeheartedly with hymns. There were about 10 graceful and joyful special songs. All 19 native shepherds and second generation missionaries, and missionaries praised God with thankful and joyful mind. Praising program was wonderful for God’s glory.

Fifth: Coworking with second generation missionaries. The last night in the conference James Kang, Elijah Park and Joshua Lee had a fellowship meeting with second generation missionaries. We shared ideas how to cowork together in Europe. Second generation missionaries did not hesitate to suggest several ideas for good coworking. All of them showed their desire to serve God together for God’s mission in Europe. They are God’s hope in Europe. May God have mercy on missionaries and native shepherds to understand second generation missionaries., respect them and work together with them.

Sixth: God blessed the serving life of coworkers in Romania. It was not easy to prepare and serve the conference. But missionary John and Monica Jung served with great joy with coworkers. And Ambassador Joseph and Josephine Kim served so gracefully. All brothers and sisters received much grace from coworkers of Romania. 

Praise God for blessing the conference. May His name be glorified among all European people. May God bless us to be one in Jesus. Amen.

By James Kang