M. Moses and Iris Returned back to the USA from Kenya, Africa (Mission Report - Video), CHICAGO

  • by WMD
  • Jan 23, 2019
  • 1107 reads

I thank God who guided my family to serve him in Kenya despite our shortcomings and lacking. In the year 1999 I was asked to go to Sudan to support the mission field there. I was not married yet, I prayed and accepted my mission even though I was studying MBA at that time at Roosevelt University in Chicago, I was willing also to stop my studies and go to the mission field. I started praying and waiting for God to open the door to go to Sudan. Msn. Iris married me in Jan. 2001 with faith and vision to go together as missionaries to Sudan. I was still waiting for God to open the door to move to Sudan. I visited Sudan in the year 2002 to attend conference there, while there I had TB and went straight to the hospital upon my arrival in Chicago; I was in the hospital for one month,  2 weeks in ICU with 50% chance to survive and my wife was on my side all that time. Then I went again to 2004 to another conference in Sudan. In 2005 Nathanael was born and we were still waiting for God to open the door to go to our mission field. After 6 years of prayer to go to Sudan and no doors were opened, I remember clearly in Nov 2005 I told my wife it seems God won’t open the door for us. We will stop our prayer to go to Sudan and we will stay in Chicago to serve God, little we know that God already had a plan for us. A job opening was ready for me and I was contacted the following month that there is an opening in Sudan at LG Electronics where we can go and serve God. In Feb 2006 I came to Kenya for the first time, Sh. Otieno, Juma and Kevin were still students at the University at that time. I stayed in Kenya for 2 months preparing to go to Sudan and attended the Easter conference in 2006 here. After Easter I was called to go to Sudan and there I started my mission there. Msn. Iris and Nathanael who was 1 and a half years old joined me in June that year.

God blessed to serve in Sudan for 7 years. We had some victories there. God helped us to be independent in our faith there. God also tested my faith and my commitment to him tremendously as well. I hand many failures in my spiritual life there. God worked on my pride in an unimaginable way and he made me accountable to my sins. God loves me and he worked to help me repent and overcome my sins through repentance and to come to him. God also crushed my integrity, my pride to make me humble for him. It took very dramatic events to crush my pride. I am a sinner and fell short, and I only thank God that he kept me in his presence, I learned that God is God of years, decades and centuries. I learned that God is not God of moments. God is patient on me and on my family. God knows my heart, my wife’s heart and our family. God knows how to use my unit for his grace despite our shortcomings and sins. And God sees the much bigger picture of our lives than we see in ourselves and envision for ourselves. God is an awesome God. I cannot fathom how God is working in my family. I know that every human being has his or her own story and interaction with God when they really want to have a relationship with God. I learned it is up to us of the extent of that relationship because God is a stable God and he is a great God. God knows every inclination of our hearts. I used to be scared of this because we are sinners, but I am comforted that God does, that God knows my heart which gives me relief, if God judge according to appearances I would be no where near God, God can test the heart desire and work in accordance to it. And there is a difference between what the heart desires and what the weak body does sometimes that lead to sin. Praise God who knows the desires of my heart to please him. I praise God who knows the desires of my family to please him. God created us a unit to be a working people for his glory as a unit that will please him.

I thank God for many students that we worked with to know Jesus there especially those who were Muslim and accepted Jesus. God blessed our lives and ministry there in Sudan, despite many personal and family struggles God helped to survive and move to Kenya after 7 years serving the mission field in Sudan.

In the year 2013 God called us to Kenya, in fact we travelled on New Year eve Dec 31st from Sudan to Kenya. It has been 6 years since we moved to Kenya from Sudan. It was a beautiful time for us to join Kenya UBF ministry, by the time I came back to Kenya our senior shepherds already graduated and got married. We thank God that we served the ministry even in a small way to take care of God’s sheep at the University of Nairobi, I thank God for all the students that I worked with, I thank God for Sh. Ken Kataka and I pray for him to be a strong shepherd and a bible teacher for God’s flock, I thank God for Bliss and Eden who joined us and I had a chance to study with them. Thank God that Eden is strongly fishing and working with students now at Alberta University. I thank God for Mikhael who is eager to be right with God, may God lead him to serve him with full desire. I am thankful for Nicky who joined bible study last year, may God lead him to have consistent bible study. I pray that James study God’s words in a regular basis.

I was very glad to lead Revival fellowship and see it grow that past few years after we started with only our family, Msn. Jerimiah family and Sh. Quinter with quitter, God worked mightily to expand the work of God in the fellowship with many new members and enabled our members in enjoy many spiritual victories. I pray that God continue to bless the fellowship to continue grow. I enjoyed working with Ms. Jeremiah and Esther family and their support, they were truly very helpful. I appreciate every member in the fellowship.

I thank God for Msn. Mark and Jackie’s family; for their leadership to the ministry. I was very happy co working with Msn. Mark because he truly knows the God of Africa, I thank God for his spiritual wisdom and his dedication for God’s work in Kenya and in Africa. God blessed our family with so many sincere servants of God starting with the missionary families and the senior shepherds families. I cherish each one of you. I also appreciate each member of our UBF family in Kenya.

During all the time we were in Kenya we received so much prayer support from my brothers and sisters at Triton and Chicago and specially from Sh. Teddy and Liz, who truly are prayer warriors.

We are in a new phase of our lives as we are going back to Chicago after 13 years of being in Africa. And I am now back at Triton UBF. Here where I was born spiritually and here where I grew to know God., here where I was first trained, challenged, rebuked and loved. Here where I met Jesus personally and here where I established my family, here where my son was born and here where I have many spiritual beautiful memories. Here where I have my brothers and sisters and here I come to find many spiritual children and grandchildren of my brothers and sisters. I came back home to my family. I came back where I started my journey with God. I pray that God lead me to serve him and help my family to be a blessing for his glory. Pray for my family to open our doors to those who are in need for love and care. Pray for our family to be healthy spiritually and take a rest in God.

I thank you for your support and for your love. Finally I will end with my Key verse for 2019

Psalm 85:6 “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?”

I only want to rejoice in God with my family and my extended family here at Triton

Prayer topics:

  1. May God help me to learn the God of the USA newly

  2. To be African missionary to America

  3. My family to have stable income within the next 6 months

  4. My son to adjust well in the school and be confident Christian young man

  5. My wife to be a back bone of our family in serving the flock of God

  6. To co work with my family at Triton UBF to serve people for his glory

Thank you

By Moses Marji