"Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!" from Thailand UBF, THAILAND

  • by WMD
  • Jan 08, 2019
  • 574 reads

The Sovereign Lord has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed. (Isaiah 50:4)

I praise and thank God for his great grace that he has been using my family for Thailand campus discipleship ministry for 25 years thus far though we don’t deserve it. A month ago, we also had our 25 years anniversary worship service with full of thanksgiving and gratitude toward God.

<After 25 Years Anniversary Worship Service> 

We have many Thanksgiving topics that we want to share with you.

1. Sh. Ttampole and Sh. Luke have been faithfully delivered Sunday messages making turns on each Sunday.
2. By the grace of God, Hannah, my oldest daughter, was accepted at Samsung C&T Corporation in Korea after graduating from Seoul National University in Korea.3. MiSo, my second daughter, is going to graduate from Yonse University next year and will study masters’ degree afterward in the same school. We believe that God will provide her a full scholarship during her masters’ study since God had been providing her full scholarships for the last four years by his grace. 4. By the grace of God, I have been legitimately preaching the gospel in Thailand since I had obtained the formal missionary visa from the government last year. I finished preparing Genesis & John’s gospel Bible study materials in the Thai language. I believe that God will use these materials preciously for Thailand mission work.  

In the new year 2019, I will deliver the first Sunday message based on Proverbs 27:23, “Be sure you know the condition of your flocks,  give careful attention to your herds” Depending on this key verse, my wife and I may give careful attention to God’s flocks in our ministry by praying together twice a day so that we may fight a good fight for God’s flock to protect from Satan’s attack.

We also pray for making one heart and mind with native shepherds so that we may all have one heart to give careful attention to God’s flocks in our ministry so that we can grow in the love of Christ Jesus.

We always appreciate you for your prayer support for Thailand UBF!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Your debtors,

Banseok and Deborah Lee